Being Kyoka Jirou's Younger Sister

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-You love when Kyoka sings

-She always sings you lullabies before you go to bed.

-At first you wanted to be a hero just like her but you realized soon that music was your passion.

-She very sweet and sometimes spoils you

- Whenever you tell her how amazing she is, she is very red.

- (If you don't have the red triangles on your face) You draw them on and show it off to everyone. Your sister gushed at how cute you are.

-You like having pretend concerts with your sister and stuffed animals.

-When you first had your period. Your mom and Kyoka calmed you down and told this was normal. While your dad was out getting all the things required for it.

-When Class 1-A first met you they thought you were the sweetest thing. Aizawa enjoyed having you around for Eri. They definitely protected you from Mineta. In fact he wasn't even allowed to look at you. One look and Kyoka glared at him.

-You first met Eri when you came by to pick up your sister. Eri was lost and so were you. So you helped each other get to Class 1-A and became best friends on the way. You guys have the cutest friendship ever. You cheered Eri up a lot by being her first friend. 

-You met Kota when Kyoka was babysitting you and Midoriya was babysitting Kota. They had to go out and do something. So you guys were left alone. You got bored and decided to interact with Kota. You guys became good friends. 

- When older you tease Kota and Eri about their crushes. You third wheel and wing woman for both of them. You set up their first date. Your definitely the therapist friend.

-During the sports festival even though she didn't make too much of an appearance you still thought she was awesome.

-At the Heroes Too Concert  you thought your sister looked like a super star. When you complimented their performance. They almost died of cuteness. But Mineta on the other hand died by Kyoka for looking at her sister in the wrong way.

-At the training camp you cried when you were told your sister was in danger. And you weren't happy about the dorms. But you got used to it.

-Your very sweet and kind of shy. But don't fret you still know when and how to put someone in their place. You very caring and understanding.

-In school you would be the girl who would trip bullies to put them in there place.

-You really liked Kirishima when you met him and he's a great (sort of) babysitter.

-If Kyoka had a lover. You would spy on them and bring them together even more. You'd accidentaly make them flustered by saying something awkward

-One time you dressed up as a flower girl and was throwing flowers around. You said it was practice for Kyoka and (who you ship Kyoka with)'s wedding. 

-Over the time you good really good with eyeliner and started incorporating Kyoka's red triangles into the design. Kyoka still gushes whenever she see's you with it.

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