Being Katsuki Bakugou's Younger Brother

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-He's your idol and he feels so good about it

-At the USJ attack you cried and threw a tantrum until Katsuki came back and confirm he was okay and beat a lot of villains making you happy

- When you got into your first fight the first thing he did was ask if you won and when you said you did he got so proud he got you ice cream and chips

-You hate listening to your brother and mother and always covered your ears when they did but your dad got you headphones

-At the school festival you cried when you saw they put your brother in restraints. Until once again Katsuki had to tell him he was okay.

-You met Kota at the dorms. Kota was visiting Midoriya and Eri was staying there while Aizawa did hero work. You saw Kota first you two almost immediately starting an argument on who was better Izuku or Katsuki. The two had to break up the fight. Then Eri came by Kota started blushing when she came. Then it hit you. You were third wheeling. You ran up to Katsuki who was with the Bakusquad and tears in your eyes . "Hey what the hell is up with you!?" "O-onee-san!" "What why aren't you with the other kids?" He asked kneeling to your height. "Kota and Eri are flirting with each other I was just third-wheeling! And I don't want to third-wheel!" Katsuki's face darkened "Who taught you that?" "K-kami-san" Denki just knew he was dead.

-You, Eri and Kota actually became best friends. Becoming popular at U.A. You teased them a lot making Eri blush and Kota yell at you. You often third-wheeled.

-When he got kidnapped you had visited Class 1-A that day and asked Aizawa with tears in your eyes. "W-will onee-chan b-be ok?" There hearts broke right then and there. "Yeah he will." Aizawa responded. "Promise?" You held out your pinkie. He pinkie promised you he would be safe and he was. When he got home you wouldn't let him leave your sight and when he did "YOU CAN'T I WANT YOU TO STAY WITH ME NOW!!" yeah mitsuki's blood came out.

-"Katsu" "yeah" "when are you gonna date (whoever you ship Katsuki)?" "Shut up." "ok." 

-They had invited you to come to the hero retake so obviously you said yes. "What are you doing here!?" "I'm here to give teenagers a hard time in getting a hero license." They all laughed at your response.

-You always try your hardest to impress him and make him proud.

-If you ever have a girlfriend/boyfriend he will expect you to be top. And guess what? you are it runs in the family.

-You're quite flirtatious when you grow up "Hey Beautiful?" You dodge every hit thrown at you by the girls and boys alike. No one knows where it came from (JK Denki hung out with Katsuki a lot so he taught you a couple things)

- Your first word was "big brother" and when you walked it was so you could train with your brother.

-You weren't very fond of All Might or Midoriya because they took nearly all of your brother's attention

- You and Eri met it was when Katsuki said you should hangout with her to help her. and it worked her first friend in a long time was really nice and caring (masaru's blood)

- At the Hero Too concert you were with Mirio and Eri you thought you're brother was so cool on the drums you wanted to learn an instrument too.

- You are now a prodigy at the keyboard

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