For a Human, You Can Be Scary

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"You are turning into a werewolf?!" Sam exclaims loudly. I guess that answers all of my fears.

"No, it is just a misunderstanding," I answer.

"How is rapid healing taken as a misunderstanding?" He asks.

"None of your business."

He huffs, "Fine, don't tell me. I don't have to worry about you being some kind of human-wolf right?"

I chuckle, "You definitely don't have to worry about that."

He nods and walks into his dad's office before turning to me once again, "Just a heads up, there is a neighbouring pack visiting us for a few days. They will be here tomorrow. I would like both you and Jax to greet them out front with us.

"Sure, why not. Which pack?"

"Now that right there is my little secret," Sam smirks, taps me on the nose and closes the door. I chuckle quietly at his childish games.

I head to the kitchen to get out some food since I haven't eaten in almost twenty four hours. I grab out some sandwich meat, bread, lettuce and cheese to make a sandwich. As I finish putting the ingredients away, the back door swings open to reveal Jax.

"Heya Jax," I greet and take a big bite out of my sandwich.

"You have been in the hospital all day and all I get is a 'Heya Jax'," he says, mocking me.

"Well, yeah. What else do you want from me?" I wonder with a mouth full of food.

"For you to scream or yell at me for hurting you. I don't know, something. Anything."

"I'm not mad Jax. We were fighting and sometimes we get hurt. I'm fine."

He rolls his eyes, "How bad are your injuries?" He tries to lift my sweater.

"I'm fine Jax. Don't worry about it," I push his hands away.

"I know you are lying Ash, you got pretty beat up. Do you know how worried I was. I have now seen you twice where I thought I was going to lose you. I don't want that happening ever again. It was bad enough the first time when I found you in the woods. You were almost dead, Ash. Don't just stand there and tell me that you are fine."

"Jax, I'm not hurt and I am not mad okay? I just don't want you meddling in my stuff. I will tell you one day soon, just not today."

He sighs heavily And I just stare at him, knowing we will be alright.

"Did you hear about the pack coming tomorrow?" I start a conversation.

"No, who is it?" Jax wonders and drops the previous topic.

"No clue, but we have to be out front in the morning to greet them with the pack," I tell him. Jax nods, still pouting, until he grabs my sandwich from my hands and starts running out the back door taking a bite of it.

"Hey!" I yell at him, "Sandwich thief!"

I dash out the door after Jax where I can hear him laughing as he runs. I push my self to run faster in order to catch up to him where I finally tackle him to the ground. My sandwich goes everywhere and is no longer edible.

"Oops?" I hear Jax squeak.

"Oops?! That was my sandwich!"

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