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They arrived at the hospital. Izuku shut his eyes as they wheeled him in. He didn't want to see peoples stares.

The thought of it made him want to cry. He felt tears cought in his throat. He choked on a cry as they turned a corner.

Eventually they wheeled him into an overnight room. Izuku sat up and tugged down the sweatshirt he was wearing. He felt like he couldn't breath. He was in so much pain. His face was burning, his ears were ringing. He was sobbing again. He couldn't breath more than a wheeze.

He couldn't hear. The ringing was loud and everyone talking made it louder. He covered his ears and shut his eyes.

He felt someone grab his wrist, not aggressively at all, but he twisted away. He couldn't breath. He was scared

"Kiddo." Aizawa said, "I need you to look at me."

"I don't- I can't do this." Izuku said shakily.

"Yes you can. Look at me." Aizawa said.

Izuku looked up, tears were pouring out of his eyes. He shook his head as if to repeat himself.

"You're gonna get through this. It's going to be okay." Aizawa said calmly.

"I can't." Izuku said, "I don't wanna do this anymore. I can't do it."

"Yes you can. I need you to breathe." Aizawa said, "try and match my breathing. Focus on me."

Izuku tried and after a few minutes, he was calm enough that they could give him an IV drip and an oxygen mask. Calm enough that they could get someone with a healing quirk in to help heal his injuries.

His arms were mostly healed and wrapped as most of the effort went to his face, which was now heavily scarred.

Most severely along his jaw and cheek and lightening slightly across toward his lip. The scar was in awkward circle shapes, rising and falling like craters in his skin, showing where the blistering had destroyed his skin and bitten down into his muscle.

Next it was the police's turn. He had his medical attention now it was time for the interview. They needed to know what exactly had gone on while he was there. How long he was going to be in jail for.

A statement from the victim. An interview to get the line of events. This was the last thing Izuku wanted to do right now. Okay, maybe not the last thing. There were a lot worse things situations he could be in right now, and he knew that a few hours ago he would've done anything to be here.

But he just wanted to cuddle up in a heap of warm blankets and pretend everything was okay, except he didn't have that choice. Instead he sat on his cold, hard hospital bed, and tried to answer the police's questions.

The classic: name age and date of birth.

And then they asked him to tell them everything that happened. Up from the night he was kidnapped to when he was rescued.

He tried. He really did.

"The night I was kidnapped I was up because I had a bad dream. One of my friends was there staying the night because we were watching a movie and decided it would be fun. And it happened while we were awake. It was sometime in the early morning hours, but I don't know what time it was. I remember telling my friend how I didn't feel safe very often, and then the alarms started going off and he used his quirk on the window. He made it shatter. I remember how scared I felt. I couldn't move. And then my friend grabbed my hand and ran out of the dorm. He used his quirk to slow him down but it wasn't enough. He came back and-" Izuku gasped as he remembered, he turned to Aizawa.

probably some mha angst Where stories live. Discover now