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Location : The orbital fortress , Planet Pearth
Region : Sol space federation , Star Way Galaxy

Location : The orbital fortress , Planet Pearth Region : Sol space federation , Star Way Galaxy

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It is a quiet , peaceful Day in the castle of Pearth's Empire . The same would be said for many other empires and planets within the Council of planet's Space , but more so for the Prince Leo .

Prince Leo , the first heir to the throne of Planet pearth had only weeks ago returned from the battle against league of other planets . Thousands of men , women and even children lost their lives during Battle but he could not help nor feel responsible for each and every death .

After finishing all formalities with the other nobles and higher authorities , He calmly walks in his room propably expecting someone to arrive . He is glancing at his Galaxy from the window until he hears a knock on the Huge Door . The Golden door slides opened and closed as the person entered inside the Grand room .

" How did you dodged the soldiers ? "

" Who said I dodge them ? "- The girl walks inside with a smirk . " I say silently killed them ."

" You Just simply and secretly killed those several Dangerous and skillful Soldiers in your way through hear without even letting securities knew ."- Prince Leo says as he sits infront of a table . " You. Are. Really. IMPRESSIVE.... , Lisa ! "

" I don't want to hear that from you Now ."- Lisa glance at him sharply as she says and sits infront of Prince without hesitations . " Let's get straight to the point . Why a Honourable Crown prince wished to meet a bloodthirsty Bounty hunter ?

" What's the rush ? We have whole the time in this Damn world ."- Prince Leo replied calmly . " I heard you Love Playing chess so...... How about a game ? "

" Hmm........ Okay but if I win then you have to give me what I want ."- Lisa said and looked at the chess board on the table .

" Great ! "- Prince Leo says as he glared sharp at her . " But if I win have to give me the all secret Data and information of other Planets , You have till now ."

" Deal ! Let's play ."

The determination on the first moves on the opening part by Lisa as she surprisingly moves the queen first .

" What ? The queen ? What kind of player uses the queen at their first move ? "- The Prince Leo laughed as he make it his move . " What a foolish move ! You a chess noob ."

" A king may be the most important piece on the chess board however the queen is the most powerful as she performs the more moves than any other token . Men take notes ."- Lisa makes her move and smirks .

The tension of a position in the middle game. The rush, the will to defeat one another, the whole battle of minds that is going on. A surprising move that shocks the prince Leo . A suprprising comeback after a few moves . So as the game continues .

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