Chapter Twelve

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The flag was of his own creation. It looked like the French flag, but rotated 90o degrees, with a black semicircle on the left. The semicircle had yellow highlights and a yellow X, while the stripes had red X's on the white, and overall, he was ecstatic with his flag.

However, it didn't take him long to do all that, and five minutes after the clock had been taken apart, he was back to being bored. Then he remembered the alarm clock. That damn alarm clock.

He took it off the nightstand and sat down on the floor with it. He remembered as a little kid watching Techno take apart clocks at someone's house. Tommy couldn't remember whose, though.

What Tommy had remembered was how to disassemble a clock. A few minutes later, he had a bunch of clock pieces on the floor. He glared at it for a few minutes.

Then, he realised he could not, for the life of him, remember how to reassemble it.


Just then, the door swung open, revealing Tubbo. "Hey! Do- TOMMY WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO MY CLOCK! HOW AM I GOING TO WAKE UP FOR CLASS!?!" Tubbo went from happy talking to angry yelling in seconds. Before Tommy could explain anything, the hall monitor was there.

"What happened?" He said in a nervous voice. Tommy had noticed that Mr M was a little jumpy, although he wasn't sure why.

"He broke my alarm clock!" Tubbo shouted.

Mr M looked at Tommy and said, "One week of detention." And then he left, holding his arms up in front of him, as if something could run into him at any moment.

Tubbo was exasperated. "The FUCK!"

"I can fix it?" Tommy said. It was a lie, though. He had no clue how, and Tubbo knew right away.

"Really." He said doubtfully.

"Yeah! I have a friend who repairs clocks. I'll send it to xyr, and xe'll fix it. And until then, I'll wake you up every morning." Tommy said. "Promise"

"Fine." Tubbo said grumpily. "Let's go then."

Tommy got off the floor as fast as he could, scattering a few clock parts in the process. Tubbo looked around the corner of the door. It was past curfew, and they had to be very careful now.

They slipped around the door and closed it with a quiet click. Tubbo and Tommy ran through the long halls, something they would never do in the day, and hopped into another painting-door. Tommy guessed that all the passageways were behind paintings, since so far both of the ones he had gone through had been.

They only had to go through one painting to get to the room. This one was different one from the one they had been in earlier in that day. It looked like a library. On one side, there were tall bookshelves that went all the way to the ceiling, filled with books. On the other side, there were very comfy looking chairs, and a lot of candles. Like the previous room that Tommy had been in, there weren't any windows to the outdoors, so the candles were necessary to see. Despite this, however, the room was very well lit and Tommy could see everything really well, although the large chandelier did a lot for the visibility of the room.

There were around twenty people sitting on the chairs and couches, one of whom was Wilbur.

Wilbur was the first to notice them. The people were pretty loud, and he was glad to see his brother. "Tommy!" he shouted. Wilbur walked right over to him and gave Tommy a hug. Tommy was a little embarrassed, but hugged him back anyway, since he was still happy to see his brother.

After the brothers and Tubbo were seated, they got down to business.

By the end of the night, they had not, to Tommy's disappointment, committed any crimes. However, Tommy had joined the organisation, which was called Dream SMP. No one explained why, of course. They had also all copied down when all of their tests were going to be, and what they were going to be on. That way they could study, most likely using their extensive library. Then they talked about what they were going to do with the books, settling on framing someone for taking it and giving the calendar back to the maths teacher.

Then they played truth or dare.

When Tommy and Tubbo got to their dorm, it was about 1:30AM and they were dead tired. Normally, the time wouldn't have been a problem, but it was now a Tuesday, and they had a maths class in seven and a half hours.

The boys fell asleep, and for once Tommy didn't wake up before the alarm. Or on time at all.

Word Count: 1484

I used a writing assist to write this chapter, do you notice a difference? I do, but I was curious if you guys do too.

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