Chapter Six

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Tommy awoke with a yawn and rolled out of his bed sleepily. He looked up to Tubbos' bed, where his new friend was still sleeping peacefully. Tommy wondered how Tubbo knew when classes started and when he had to wake up-


An alarm blared, both startling Tommy and answering his short lived question. 'That's how...' he thought annoyedly.

Tubbo sat up a moment after the alarm stopped beeping, and scrambled down the ladder. He clicked a button just as it started to blare again, turning it off.

The alarm clock that the blasted sound had been coming from sat on his desk. It looked really old, Techno might like it.

"Morning," Tubbo said, yawning and stretching. "How are you up so early?"

"I just woke up on my own, but only a couple of seconds before that fucking clock went off."

"I hate that alarm."

Tommy laughed, "What time is it?"

"Eight thirty... sooo, thirty minutes until we have to be at our first class," Tubbo walked over to a wardrobe, and opened a drawer to start grabbing clothes out, reminding Tommy that he couldn't go to class in his pajamas.

After getting changed, Tommy looked over to Tubbo, who was fully dressed. He looked a little grumpy, though.

"You okay?" Tommy asked.

"We have maths."

"What's wrong with maths?" Tommy asked.

Tommy didn't like maths, but it wasn't the worst class that he would be having. He wondered why Tubbo was so unhappy about the thought of that class. Then again, some teachers are really awful, like they give out too much homework, or the class isn't fun because they only follow the workbook and do nothing else in their class.

"I hate maths. And the language classes. They are the absolute worst."

"Oh, so you just hate it? Is there no reason or are teachers really bad, like random pop-quizzes and they don't have an interesting class."

Tubbo turned around, "We have to hurry. We still need to eat breakfast, and class starts soon."

"Yeah, we should probably hurry up," Tommy responded, but he still wanted to know why Tubbo didn't like those classes, and ignored the hint that Tubbo didn't want to talk about it right then.

"Why don't you like maths and English though?" Tommy said as they walked out of their dorm, closing the door firmly behind them and starting down the hall, weaving in and out of groups.

Tubbo sighed, "The maths teacher doesn't like me for some reason, and I'm dyslexic. It's hard to read, and I can't read very well."

"Oh." Tommy said quietly, and stayed quiet, because he was pretty sure that he had annoyed Tubbo.

They walked into the cafeteria after a flight of stairs down a level and past several odd paintings. One painting was of a banquet hall. There was half food on the plates, and the silverware was slightly askew, as if there had been a group of people there, then dropped everything and just left for some guy to paint.

The cafeteria was fairly full, but there weren't too many people in the line for food. When Tommy and Tubbo were close to the front, Tommy scanned over the food. Scrambled eggs and that tiny glass of water. He didn't think that anyone liked that glass. It really was too small.

Nevertheless, Tommy grabbed his food from the lady, mumbled a quiet thanks, and followed Tubbo to the edge of the cafeteria where there were a couple of empty seats.

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