Chapter Three

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The man opened the door to the building, and said just loud enough for the boys to hear, "Good luck," then walked away, rounded a corner and disappeared out of their sight.

Techno, Tommy and Wilbur were left standing in a large room. It had an elaborate black rug with gold swirls, two grand stairways that twisted together. In Between the stairs there was a dark brown desk with a shiny polish. On it were neat piles of papers and books, along with a computer. Hanging above the desk, off the high up marble ceiling, was an elegant chandelier. Overall the grand room was just that, a grand opening room meant to leave people speechless. And if the boys were a good control group, it did just that for almost everyone.

Poor Tommy was now worried about how much he was going to be able to get away with, while judging the opening room.

Sitting at the desk there was a middle aged lady with natural make-up and her silver hair tied up in a ponytail. She was wearing a black ankle length skirt with a white blouse, and intricate silver earrings to match. It was all very similar to what the boys were wearing, clearly supposed to match the uniform.

The lady stood up from behind the desk, walking around to the front to inspect her new students, holding several keys in her left hand.

From her point of view, she saw a tall boy with long braided pink hair with a slim build. He was wearing a light colored blouse, with a slightly annoyed look dancing on his features that most anyone missed. He was looking over the room, taking in everything and most likely memorizing the layout.

Next to him was a bouncy yellow haired boy with a bright red blouse on. He looked a little nervous, and was trying to hide it, just not doing a good job in the slightest.

The last boy appeared the tallest, but only by a little. He held himself confidently, but looked a little uncomfortable with her staring at him.

She decided that she should introduce herself and their new home. "Hello, I am your headmaster, and you will address me as Evelynn." She paused to pull out and hand them each a key, "Here are your room keys, you each have a roommate and Techno has two. Classes are with all the kids in your age group, so about thirty students in each class. You are expected at your first class at nine sharp tomorrow. Your classmates are almost at lunch break, and I asked one of your roommates to show you around. They have the day off as well." she looked at the boys, who were staring at her trying to process the information.

"Introduce yourselves." she prompted blatantly.

Techno blinked, surprised at her bluntness, but continued quickly, "I'm Techno, he's Tommy and that's Wilbur, he has the beanie," he said gesturing at his brothers each in turn.

"Nice to meet you all. But I am so sorry to see that your brothers do not know their names!" She looked at Techno not with a glare, but with something similar and said, "Next time when they are asked for an introduction, let them give it." she said. Techno looked down at his feet and mumbled an apology. "Don't apologize to me, say it to them,"

Techno glanced at her, slightly confused of whether or not he was actually expected to apologize right then or not. Deciding on the former, he turned to his brothers, "Sorry guys...?" he mumbled.

"Good. Now, your roommates should arrive shortly," then right on que a small group of three boys skipped down one set of the stairs. The headmaster, Evelynn, was very pleased that they had arrived, albeit annoyed that they were running. "Ah, here they are!

"Wilbur, this is Fundy in the orange. Tommy, this is Tubbo! He has the yellow, and I do think you will get along nicely. Lastly, George, this is your new roommate, Techno. Have a nice time boys."

With that, she turned on heel and walked back to her desk, proceeding to continue one with what she'd been doing before with the piles and piles of papers.

The boy called Tubbo, an odd name, had a bright yellow shirt on and slightly messy hair. Fundy had an orange button up, it looked to be the same color that a kids marker would be. Oddly enough, Fundy had a white streak through his reddish-orange hair, probably an outlandish fashion thing Wilbur hadn't seen yet.

Lastly was George, who looked average. Just average. Neatly combed brown hair, a spotless white shirt and navy blazer. He looked like he made a point to have tea time everyday.

Tommy walked up to the boy called Tubbo and started talking quietly, overly aware of the echo he could cause by being too loud and how that may upset the headmaster. After a moment Techno followed suit and tried to talk to George, leaving Wilbur and Fundy to awkwardly stare at each other from six feet away.

"O-our room's this way if you want to follow me..." Fundy said trailing off quietly. Wilbur nodded and walked over to him and followed him as he went back up the fancy stairs. When Wilbur got to the landing, he looked behind him to see his brothers and their roommates talking away and smiling, he was happy that they were happy.

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