A Whole New World.

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One moment Kaneki was just minding his own business, grieving the death of Touka and plotting the murder of those that killed her. The next he was standing in the middle of some form of controlled environment building where a battle was taking place. Some old homeless dude was beating everyone's ass by the looks of it. His scarff like piece of apparel flying through the air and wrapping around people for the homeless man to beat to a pulp.

'How does that work?' Kaneki thought and dodged an explosion from a blonde haired boy.

'How did he do that?'

"Oi, you villain scum actually fight back!" The blonde yelled.

'Fight a child? I suspose I've done worse and I really don't feel like being exploded.'

"Alright." Kaneki said and all four of his red tentacle-like Kagune shot out of his back and pierced the child dead in the chest, killing him instantly.

"Holy shit dude, I know the boss wants us to kill the brats but that was pretty damn hardcore." A shady looking guy who appeared to be made out of stone said.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Kaneki said and barely managed to dodge an attack from the homeless man.

"Look, I apologise for whatever I did to offend you but I will fight back if you don't stop." Kaneki snapped as he dodged attack after attack from the homeless ninja.

"That's... What all of.... You villains... Say." The ninja huffed, obviously exhausted.

Kaneki rolled his eyes and stuck the ninja dead in the chest with an open palm strike, sending him flying backwards into a tree.

"Who are you? We never hired you." A raspy voice asked.

Kaneki turned around and almost lost his eyes to shock. A skinny ass zombie wearing hands as decorations was speaking to him.

"My name's Kaneki and I have only ever been hired to work in a coffee shop. So no you didn't hire me." Kaneki replied, even more disturbed by the two purple things next to the zombie.

The zombie appeared to be thinking for a moment or two, an action that must have cost it a lot of energy if the scratching was anything to go by.

"Nomu, kill him." The zombie ordered.

The largest of the two purple things rushed Kaneki and got off decent blow that sent Kaneki skidding backwards a few metres.

"Not to bad." Kaneki said as his now ruined arms repaired themselves. "But I can do better."

The Nomu didn't stand a chance. Kaneki attacked it from every angle, especially the stupidly exposed brain and it's regeneration couldn't keep up to the barrage of several different types of Kagune.

Kaneki stepped over part of the corpse of the fallen monster and was about to kill the zombie when he was sent hurling though the air thanks to an all mighty force.

Kaneki managed to catch himself thanks to his Kagune and looked down at the scene below him. The world's most muscled man now stood where Kaneki did and he did not seem happy.

"Never fear for I am here!" The giant man boomed and looked Kaneki dead in the eyes. "Surrender to me now villain, or face my wrath."

'Why is he targeting me?' Kaneki wondered and looked around. The zombie and the other purple thing were gone.

"I am not a villain, I don't even know how I got here. So can we please work something out like civilised man?" Kaneki asked, trying to be reasonable.

The big man was not in a mood to be reasonable. He jumped up into the air and delivered a punch that sent Kaneki crashing into the ground. Kaneki tired to fight back but failed to actually do anything, the man's pure strength keeping him away or completely destroying his Kagune when it got to close.

'Fuck this I don't want to die.' Kaneki thought and he bolted from the environment dome. Alarms blared as he ran across the a school field and he barley managed to escape a dog man who was chasing him.

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