New Naga (Weimar x USSR)

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Sorry for the long wait but this took AGES TO WRITE ISTG. It's been nearly a month since I last uploaded here! Holy shit!

I love writing long chapters but idk how you guys feel about it.

Thank you Discord Aunt (Love ya Swap UvU) for giving me this idea, I owe you one, and okay, maybe we're going into the personal canon ships now but I needed to write something with Weimar in it.

Also yes warnings: description of deer death/disection, intestinal gore, smut (I can't write a short Naga story without sex sorry guys), mpreg, and nesting (why did I even put this as a warning).

Also slight headcanons before we start:
- Weimar is about 1.9 metres tall, constriction-type, nervy bottom.
- USSR is about 2.5 metres tall, venom-type, the most confident top you'll ever meet.
- This was before USSR lost his marbles :)


He grumbled and slithered out of his hut and onto the grass. The sun was shining hard this morning, making him wake up early and go outside, yet despite the sun it was freezing cold. Good. He likes the cold, and he was for once glad for the underground containers and manually set cycles. Grabbing his ushanka, he made sure it was correctly positioned on his head before doing what he normally did in the morning. Exercises. Anything to keep up his fitness. There was a reason why he was called a Terror for a reason and if he didn't keep up his fitness, he was sure to loose that title, or worse go insane from the mating season that had just arrived. Listening to the other Nagas around him mate with their mates whilst he still didn't have one was insulting, and mad him a mixture of depressed, anxious and very angry for some reason. And his own rut would make him work himself harder in his exercising. At this point, he had come to the point where noone would want to mate with him, so he turned that extra energy into excuses to exercise for longer and make himself even more of a brute.

His workout basically consisted of laps followed by pull-ups on the tree in the habitat and then a 10 minute break before repeating all of this for a few hours with the occasional swim in his container's pool, at least until dinner arrived. Occasionally they would put a potential mate or an alpha in, just to test him. At this point, he was still unmated, much to their dismay. He hopped down from the tree as he heard the wheels. Meal time was early. Which meant that it wasn't meal time. The door opened, and another Naga was pushed in before the door closed again.

He sniffed the air. Another one from that godforsaken German clan. He had been put with an all red one from that clan before, and it was a wonder he didn't kill it from all the fighting they did. But this one smelt...sweeter? He watched from a distance as the new Naga picked himself up and put glasses back on his face, retying his hair before looking around. He would have mistaken this one for an alpha if it wasn't for the unique unmated smell on him. But his colours were amazing, an array of black, yellow and red stripes, all three of his favourite colours. His tail was striped in the same way, and his body and scales were covered in proud and distinct scars. But what caught him off guard the most was those eyes...the right a deep red, the left a golden colour. The same eye and same shade of the eye that he himself his away under an eyepatch, just swapped around. His eyes were just wonder they wanted them to mate now. Two Nagas, both with heterochromatia and the same colours of eyes? Extremely rare.

Finally, the Naga noticed him, and slid over carefully, curious about him. His mouth slightly open, showing off no fangs. So he was constrictor-type then. Another difference inbetween his and his bloodline. His movements were graceful and gentle, and he didn't even notice when he touched his arm. Then he spoke.

"So you're the Red Beast that my younger brother was talking about, ja?" His voice was, again, nothing like his brother's. Silky, gentle, smooth and delicate, just like the rest of his actions. It was a relief to hear another Naga who could speak, it was irritating talking to himself.

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