Chaos at UN's School #1

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For you, sorry that it's taken so long lol. Welcome to the first chapter of West Germany getting poked and pissed off at school by America and literally everyone else, and then getting roped into getting drunk at Canada's party and doing truth or dare.

I use google translate for other languages so please don't hurt me. If I'm going to properly learn any language it's either going to be German or Japanese.

Some headcannons before we start:
- None of the ex countries are dead, they just sort of go and help their successors, being teachers and all that.
- West Germany is a wheelchair boi because I said he is. And yes he has something very similar to the steampunk tank wheelchair that I designed.
- There's one exception to the 'no countries die' rule: Weimer Republic. Countries can come back from a fatal bullet wound to the head but not form being shredded and then cannibalised. He just sort of floats around in ghost form. Everyone can see and hear him, but noone can touch him unless they have permission from him or he makes himself solid.

Anyway, let's get going with the story.

A couple of warnings: this will touch sensitive subjects on West Germany's part, including a small amount of verbal and physical abuse from a certain uncle Third, PTSD within a panic attack, descGood grief I can't stop writing angst even when it's supposed to be happi and funni what-

Also I'm splitting this into two parts. Sorry, but it's massive as it is.

--West Germany's POV--

Getting to school late was never a good thing for me.

First of all, my alarm didn't set off. I have that repeating every since day at 5:35 am, so maybe it somehow got broken. I initially thought it was my fault, but that was before I knew the rest of the day that was coming to me. I got up at 8. My shift started at 8. So naturally I was trying to hurry my body up, but see when your lower half of your body doesn't move? That is the worst thing to deal with when you are late. Second of all, I forgot my medication, so I was now dealing with a massive headache and withdrawls from my pain and my tourettes medication, and I would be dealing with them for the rest of the day with the feeling of wanting to throw up during art class. I skipped breakfast, which wasn't the first time I had skipped the meal. Third, my uncle, started pissing me off about my wheelchair and how I should 'just walk'. I tried to ignore him as always, but as I rolled out of the door I felt the rolling pin that he had been holding clang against the back of my head. Dammit. More headache now, plus I could feel my chest start to tighten.

Not now. Not now. Hold it together, until you get to the nurse's office. Then you can have a breakdown, where no-one is watching. Maybe they even have their backup supply of your tablets in stock.

I breathed out, and waited by the bus stop, where the fourth thing happened. The bus rolled straight past me. I growled in frustration. Yes, the school was only a 10 minute roll down the street, but I still took the bus to save my arms some energy. I groaned before starting to roll down the street. I always found it embarrassing to do this, even if the people walkin usually didn't care and usually made way for me. Thoughts swirled around in my head, and I couldn't think straight, but I still somehow managed to get to the school office for 8:30. I don't know how I managed it myself.

I grumbled as I opened the doors, rolling on through them where my brother was standing, concerned. We were twins. but honestly we were the same person. We acted the same, we thought on the same wavelength all of the time, we were basically clones despite being seperated and brought up in completely different households and circumstances. We could even continued each others sentences, we were that close. The only differences between us were that he could socialise, and he knew more english. That was all.

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