Omegaverse AU (RusGer)

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Okay I'm vibin for rusger. No smut: only fluff, heat problems and nesting habits for West.

Oh and East is still alive and lives with West and Russia, but he doesn't get involved with West's work and he's barely around because fucking party boi is off partying with Polska, bros just being bros I guess.

--Germany's POV--

I hissed as a soft electric shock went up my body. I sat at my desk at the house, trying to get my work done. It was Saturday after all, and it was only 3pm. What didn't help was that all the Asian countries were called into a meeting today and since part of Russia is in Asia, he was called in too.

I wrapped myself more into his hoodie and hissed again, pressing the hoodie into my face and sniffing it deeply to try and distract myself. The pain and the feeling of slick was starting to get unbearable and I could barely type but I forced myself to carry on working. Just work away until Russia gets home. Just a couple more hours.

The work? Numbers, mainly. Just going through numbers. Calculate it, write it down, repeat. It was an easy process but one that I had to now force my brain to go through.

I glanced at the time. 15:47. Just 13 more minutes. I can hang on for that time, right? Apparently not, because I clutched my ice pack, trying to push it closer as I mewled loudly. The pain had skyrocketed, I had to at least try something.

So I called Russia.

"Hello? What's wrong? Why are you calling me?" I had never called him before, except once when I fell down the stairs and broke my arm and my leg. I couldn't say anything, only mewling in response to his question, something I only did when my heat was coming. Which made him run, it sounded like. "Okay, I'm coming Germs, I'm coming, just hang in there." I had managed to get to the doorway before needing to pause, clinging onto the frame and whimpering. I couldn't feel my legs, and I kept whimpering down the phone, not able to form any English and needing another ice pack.

I heard the door slam. I wasn't aware that I had dropped my phone minutes ago. I also wasn't aware of him running to me. But I was aware of his arms wrapping around me and lifting me up off of the floor. My legs were wrapped around his waist and I continued to mewl into his shoulder, clutching at him. It was bad, very bad. Worse than any other that I had ever had. Though that could be because I hadn't mated with him yet despite us being together for 6 years now. I was placed down again and I immediately cuddled the nearest pillow before drifting off.

Hours later, I woke up. I groaned and weakly fumbled around for my glasses, putting them on before looking around. I was sort of shocked at what I saw. Russia had not only put me to bed, but had attempted to copy my nest design to try and get me comfortable. I smiled a little at his efforts before slowly starting to fix everything, feeling tired and sore in my joints. It would be in the next 24 hours or so that I would be thrown into the sexual side of the heat, Switzerland said it was possibly delayed due to what happened in the past.

Once fixed, I cuddled into the blankets and such, rubbing my face on the nearest Russia hoodie I could find in the nest. It made my nest smell of vodka and (most of the time) pork. Which was a good smell, it relaxed me. I breathed in the smell before smiling and grabbing my laptop. Perhaps I would be able to turn in those papers by tomorrow.



Edit: it unpublished for some reason, sorry

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