GerCan #1

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As celebration, have some GerCan: omegaverse, with West Germany and Canada

And of course the warnings: smut, description of heat, rut, small bite/blood, anything else that you can think of when reading this 

I've gotten into omegaverse countryhumans and now I can't stop help me-

--West's POV--

I curled up on my bed, in the middle of all the neatly and carefully positioned clothes and blankets, trying to ignore my uncle's shouts to try and get me ready for summer school. It was cosy in here. Nice, and safe. Not to mention warm. Unlike my brother, who was getting ready on the other side of the room and helping to throw clothes at me, I didn't have a mate yet, but I couldn't care less. Nests gave me everything that I needed. And anyway, mate relationships seemed weird. East's mate wouldn't talk to him all year, and then do it all the way through the summer school, and then not talk to them again, much to East's displeasurement. I felt bad for him, but I shook the thoughts away as I took the clothes inside of my nest and started to change as well. Nobody wanted to mate with me anyway, and even if I did have a crazy bad heat when I was there, nobody seemed to really give a shit.

I may be an omega, but I had some severe alpha-like tendencies. Clawing, growling, snarling at people who I didn't like the scent of, I had even gotten into fights in the hallways if another alpha so dared try to mate with me. East was the opposite, being small for an alpha and also nested. Alpha's didn't normally nest but the doctors assumed that since we were always together, East building a nest with me was second nature to him. He didn't make too bad of a nest actually, but it wasn't as perfect as my nests. 

We used to be able to go as our united version. Y'know, the 6 foot broad shouldered alpha smartass that put Ukraine's anger issues to shame. But I found out that the more painful my heat grew, the more trouble I would have holding him together, and soon enough we couldn't even unite during the train ride to the school to sleep properly. That train ride was always noisy and I hated it, and East did too. Luckily we were able to get a carriage with some of the teachers, and it was usually okay apart from the very obvious situation of omegas going into heat.

I finished dressing, and poked my head out of my nest before sighing. I had to go, there was no choice, and I grumbled as I slid out of the nest. Nests weren't supposed to be built all the time, only during heats, but I used to hide in them when my father wasn't in jail, so they became a daily comfort for me. I flattened the nest with a whine before shoving what was making the nest into my bigger than normal suitcase. I liked nesting in that too. Being short, shorter than an average omega at 4'11, I fit into most situations and the suitcase was a perfect size for me to curl up in and feel happy in.

I knew my heat was coming early. Just last night I had cried for not eating cheesy broccoli for dinner, despite me already eating a plate of cheesy broccoli. I didn't remember much of what I was crying about aside from the apparent lack of broccoli, just the fact that my brother had to pull me upstairs afterwards and shower me to calm me down a little. Why cheesy broccoli, I have no idea, but I did have a weird obsession with broccoli when I was in heat. Just like how my brother had an obsession for sausages when he was in rut. I mean that could be hiding for something else but I'm not my brother, despite how alike we look.

"Westen!" I jumped at my brother yelling my name and I looked over to him before straightening my glasses. "Westen, we're going to be late for the train!" I yelped and fell off of the bed, grabbing my suitcase and bolting out of the door. I soon found out that we were, in fact, not late for the train. Dammit. At least I had brought my sketchbook along with me though, and I sat cross-legged with East on one of the benches, busy with my page and trying to distract myself as I felt myself getting warmer and East looked around nervously, shifting closer to me to protect me. He always knew when my heat was coming, and vice versa for him. It also didn't help that humans were around us, and he probably could smell what alphas were onto me.

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