Royal Kingdoms (Part 1)

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Reichtangle x Austria-Hungary, hope you enjoy it :) 

--Reichtangle's POV--

The floors shined as he walked down the freshly polished hallway, small and beady eyes peering from the black chasm that always seemed to scare the eldest of servants. He was only making sure that the preparations for the ball that evening were going to be perfect.

Christmas. Something that he didn't normally celebrate, but did after one of his adopted sons, Weimar, married off and had about a million kids. Well, he supposed that 17 wasn't that many, but it got him jealous.

He had never been able to have children, despite being an alpha. It wasn't the fact that he couldn't get a partner willing to bear his children; trust him, he had tried several different times with several different omegas and betas. But after he got evaluated by Austria, things made more sense. He physically was unable to produce children and that had resulted in him adopting his two sons. Wasn't the worst thing in the world, though his youngest, Third Reich, was a pain in the ass to deal with, and acted like a 12-year-old on a suicide mission rather than a 60-year-old retired country.

Reichtangle was retired too but still helped to run the castle and advice two of his grandsons, East and West Germany, on what should be done in different circumstances. They were a unique set of twins, and at times he swore they could mind read each other. They would finish each other sentences (and food if West wasn't feeling particularly hungry), and they both knew exactly what had been done without even speaking. East ran the social side of things; listening to complaints in the throne room, doing public talks, that sort of thing, whilst West controlled a lot of behind the scenes stuff, such as all the paperwork that East could give him plus private meetings.

He got to the ballroom and walked into the room. It was stunning, as always; the dance space was expertly polished, and the tables were just being set out. But he noticed something as he walked over to the tables to inspect. They were too narrow together, there was no way that anyone with sight issues, or West in his wheelchair, would be able to get through that. After a few confusing hand gestures from the silent giant, the staff knew what he wanted and quickly fixed it.

His next stop was the kitchen. In it, the head cook and her assistant buzzed around, busy preparing all the food needed to feed hungry Countries. They noticed him and bowed before continuing to prepare.

"Reich, everything is nearly ready." The head chef would chuckle as Reichtangle would reach out towards one of the sweets that she had laid out for him to try. She had been his cook for her whole lifetime, starting to work in the kitchens at 10 and now being his head chef. She was practically his third child (and everyone seemed to know this), hence the lack of royal pronouns.

She would smile as a small grunt of satisfaction could be heard from the giant. "I am assuming that the sweets are up to your standard?" A nod and a grin told her so, and she would giggle. "I'm sure your guests will approve!" He would walk out again as she turned back to continue her cooking.

At least that was all taken care of. And as he walked back, he didn't know how much time he had spent just wandering aimlessly. Because as he got to the front of the castle, his first guests were arriving. Britain and his family, always punctual despite America looking like he had just woken up five minutes ago. He would be fine after destroying half of the deserts.

And as he greeted them, his old enemy would gently slap him in the arm instead of the usual European greeting; he was too tall, plus he didn't have any cheeks to kiss.

-Britain's POV--

"My old chap, how have you been?" A smile, and a grunt with one tap on the shoulder in return. He hadn't forgotten about his condition and had actually remembered how he had communicated. One tap for yes, two for maybe, three for no. "That's good to hear, so good to hear chap." France greeted him too before rushing after America to make sure to leave food for the others that were coming.

He followed the taller country through to the hall. It was obvious by his expression that he was proud of it, and he should be. Britain still didn't know how Reich got those floors so expertly polished. And he would never reveal his secrets.

Inside of the ballroom, it was perfectly decorated, with decorations hanging on the walls and ceiling. And in five minutes, the ballroom would fill up with all sorts of guests from different kingdoms; even the Russian Kingdom was there. Impressive that he managed to get the unsociable family to come. For now, though, Britain would mingle into the crowd, keeping a firm eye on Reichtangle. He wanted to see if the rumours were true.

--Reichtangle's POV--

He waited, for him to show up, and would even refuse dances with the such of Spanish Empire, or even Russian Empire. And eventually, he would get impatient, and go out onto the balcony.

He had completely forgotten that he didn't like parties and preferred to be outside.

The freshly revealed moonlight shone over his partner's skin, showing off that contrast of red and green along his neck and through his ungloved hands. His deep red hair was rather untamed today, spiked bits poking out of where his hat would normally sit. Not that he minded though. He preferred it that way, so he could fix the hair himself. And he was smaller, much smaller than Reichtangle. Which just made the empire even cuter (in his opinion).

And his eyes. Reich can boast and say he had been the only person (aside from his sons and parents) that has seen Austria-Hungary's eyes; his left, a soft and delicate green, almost comparable to peas or newly grown grass, his right, a flaming ember of red that screeched with fire, ambition and desire. Gently placing a hand on his partner's shoulder, he would watch as he turned around to his general position.

"Oh, Reichtangle...I've been waiting outside for you for ages? Did you forget again that I didn't like being in crowded places?"


"Aww, it's okay my dear. You know I can't stay mad at you..." And in response he would grip onto his hands and smile up at him, small soft hands grasping at big rough ones. Slowly, he would pull his partner towards him, almost purring at the way that he could easily rest his chin on the other's hat, and slowly waltzed along to the music.

I got lazy-

CountryHuman OneShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora