1. See you tomorrow, Miss Montgomery

Start from the beginning

I mean I was going to introduce myself, I'm a transfer student in her senior year who changed schools after the holiday's vacations, that's interesting as hell. To be fair, he should have asked me to introduce myself earlier.

I dramatically took my time in removing my sunglasses, I wasn't in the mood to go to the principal's office in my first day, so I elegantly took them off and smiled at the teacher right after, a sarcastic smile of course.

"What's your name miss? Are you new?" He asked, going to look at his attendance list.

This is the moment I've been waiting for. "I studied here as a freshman two years ago, but I'm guessing you could say I'm a new student given that I just transfer as a senior" I said smiling.

"Oh that's great, we have another student like you who came here as a transfer when the school year began. She studied here as a freshman too and now is a senior like you. What a coincidence isn't it?" The teacher said.

I guess I have to help the guy out, of course it's not a coincidence.

"That's Sofía, my ex-girlfriend" Oh it felt so good to say it. "I came with her as a freshman from all the way to Germany, I heard she returned and here I am" a dramatic pause. "I'm Katerina Voigt, but you can call me Kate"


I was so fucking proud of myself, I had everyone talking about me and the day wasn't even over yet. I wasn't proud that I was the gossip of the day, but I was proud that I was the one controlling it and not letting it get me. I knew people were going to talk about me anyways, so mastering the arts of not giving a fuck was my mission.

The day passed by, and teachers who already knew who I was, made me introduce myself over and over again. And my classmates weren't talking to me, not even one. They were all looking at me as if I had the plague.

Now it was lunch time, and I was making my way into the cafeteria to find Sofía. Due my idiot cab being late, I couldn't speak to her at the beginning of the day and to this point we didn't have any classes together. But if I want to win her back, I have to you know, talk to her.

But I did give her a heads up that I was coming though, I knew she won't like the idea, but I had to come.

My parents were thrilled when they heard I was coming, I still remember all those classy insults directed towards me when I broke up with Sofía. It hasn't been the same since then. My so-called friends basically disappeared, my parents only called to remind me that I ruined the company's future; and I have a non-existent love life...sex life is different, but we are not discussing that.

I was looking for the redheaded when I felt a hand grabbing my forearm and making me spin around roughly.

Oh right, Sofía's minions.

"What are you doing here?" Val growled.

"You better leave Sofía the fuck alone" Nikki added, pointing an accusatory finger at me.

I rolled my eyes dismissively; I knew I had to deal with them, but it was still so early in the morning. Didn't they have other things to do? Oh right, Sofía is basically the interesting part of their lives. 

"Where is Sofía?" I asked, ignoring her previous statements.

Now they were the ones rolling their eyes, and Val crossed her arms while Nikki's glare intensified.

"As if we would tell you" Val huffed.

"Then get out my way" I said trying to leave, but one again someone grabbed my forearm, preventing me from leaving.

I Was Right, Love Is Messy (TeacherxStudent) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now