Jisung flipped through the book as quickly as possible to find something that he isn't aware of. So far, the content of this book has been something that he knows about because, well, it's about him after all.

"Clarified dead in 1623..?"

He stopped at a specific page of the book. A page that tell people about him being missing for years before being announced as... Dead, apparently?

Out of all years, why was it announced 26 years after the final Korean Japanese war? The year that he went 'missing'?

The more he read the content of the book, the more he got confused.

It said that he was clarified dead but years passed by and not a single person believe that the prince is dead. Instead, they continue on searching for him.

They didn't find the body nor the person who was last seen with the prince so how could he be dead?

Trying to rewind his memory to the time before he got here, the moment he was still running away with Jeongin from the Japanese people in the forest.

He heard someone's voice, yelling out his name.

What happened to that person?

He should be the last person to see the prince before he disappeared.

It is also said that Joseon at the time offered many kinds of rewards to whoever managed to bring Prince Han back to the state where the royal family moved to as the Gyeongbokgung Palace was burnt down to ashes during the war.

The palace was then abandoned for the next two centuries.

And it seems like no one managed to earn the said rewards. It's understandable though taking in the fact that he is literally not in that world anymore so of course, no one would find him.

But why the year 1623 though? What happened during that time?

If he was still alive in that year, the prince would be 41 years old already.

"In 1623, a faction at the Joseon court known as the Westerners deposed King Gwanghaegun and installed Injo as king..", Widening his eyes in shock, he had to get himself together after reading that.

So, the court had to announce his 'death' officially because there was a new king on the throne? Because they wanted the people to let go of the missing prince and move on? Or is it because they just wanted to close the case once and for all?

 Well, that's a bit mean on their part, isn't it?

In conclusion, no one was able to find the prince but continuously waiting for him to come back, thinking that there's a chance the prince might still be alive.

So is that why that unknown person told him that Joseon is waiting for him?

But thinking about it again, why would Jisung's presence be that important? Unless, there was really someone who's going after him like he predicted.

"Jisungggg~ Are you finish yet?"

Felix came out of nowhere while whining, scared the boy a bit. He glanced at his watch and realized that he has been there for more than an hour already.

Jisung felt bad for keeping his friend wait for him so he quickly stood up, "I'm sorry, I didn't see the time, I'm just gonna put these books away so you can wait in the car first"

"Are you sure? I can help you with that"

"It's fine, I'll be back quick"

Felix just nodded and left to the car without further arguments. He looks like a walking zombie from behind, probably tired of sitting and waiting for the 19 year old boy to finish reading his books.

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