Chapter 6: Hawk Moth's Identity Reveal and Defeat!

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Yesterday after Ethan explained everything about who he is to Adrien and everything about Lila as well as his Gabriel being Hawk Moth, it was time to end the battle once and for all and thanks to the spy camera's that Ethan gave Adrien to place in his fathers office they can finally see where his Hawk Moth's lair is so they can take him down once and for all. Once Hawk Moth is defeated it was time to expose the liar for the psycho path she really is. So right now all four heroes were in Marinette's room discussing the plan to take down Gabriel Agreste and retrieve his miraculous as well as any other miraculous he kept hidden. While Ethan looks at the camera's to see what Adriens father is up to so far nothing is happening. 

Marinette: Ethan anything so far?

Ethan: So far he is just working on his designs for the next up coming fashion event.(Ethan saids while looking at Gabriel doing his designs) 

(Ethan saids while looking at Gabriel doing his designs) 

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Marinette: Which means nothing yet right?

Ethan: Nope, maybe once his miraculous reacts to a negative emotion then were see where he goes and so we can find out where the lair is located and take him down. 

Adrien: It was an awesome idea to use tiny spy camera's to see what my father is up to since he never lets me see what is going on in his life. 

Ayla: Was he always like this Adrien you known cruel and stubborn and doesn't like anyone who wants to be your friend. 

Adrien: No when mom was around he was always kind, generous and a great dad but after what happened to mom he changed all of sudden and now he is hurting people by using a miraculous to get want he wants. 

Ethan: It is his own dam fault for not being there for you, because of what happened to your mother and what I can tell is that she would be disappointed of what he turned out to be. 

Adrien: I agree with you Ethan and thanks again for showing me a better path for myself and for helping me to understand that not only my father is horrible person who only cares about power but to also show me the truth about Lila being a liar and psycho path. 

Ethan: Your welcome Adrien as soon as we take down your father, we will expose that vixen for the fraud she is. Also Adrien there is something I would like to do for you in return and I think you need it more than anything.(Ethan saids to Adrien and takes out a box that he holding in hands which made all three heroes confused)

(Ethan saids to Adrien and takes out a box that he holding in hands which made all three heroes confused)

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