Chapter 11: Tyler

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  "Really bro? You're still falllin' for that dumb chick? She isn't even that hot, dude! What's your problem? You used to be a playa! Now, you are beggin' at her daddy's feet for her love like some kinda puppy. This whole thing sounds like a fairytale that won't come true. She just said yes because she wanted you off her back!" He yells. I've heard him yell, but never at me. We've been brothers forever. We were inseparable-- but if he wants to be cold, then two can play at that game.

  "Well, how do you know?! She's an angel JC,  and you just can't let yourself accept that this is what I want. I actually might want to go to church and be a christian again because of her. I love her, and there's nothin' you can do about it! I hate who I've been, bro. I've nobody but you since the stuff with my mom and now everyone's either gone or a traitor-- even you. You were the jerk who convinced me to get drunk and make out with my first random girl at that party If you want to come crawling back to me, find someone you care the world about. Someone you love with all your heart, someone you would die for because I just did." I slam the phone down, and suddenly --since I lost my mom all those years ago-- burst into tears at the realization that I just lost one of the only two people that have meant everything to me-- over a girl I just met less than a month ago.

  Tomorrow night is our first date night though, and I'm excited. I can already imagine her long, light brown hair that falls over her shoulders, those beautiful, big blue eyes that mimic the ocean I used to visit all the time . . . I daydream of her until I actually fall asleep.

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