Chapter 10: Sarah

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  I went home happy. My new teachers barely gave me any homework, so I could take a jog with Danie once home. I even got home after school before Tyler did, so he would be unable to, again, ask me out. I told him that my dad won't let me even be near him, especially because he's not Christian, but he still refuses to listen. Maybe I could ask him to come to church with me sometime and Dad could see another side of him. While we jog, I ask her about it.
  "So, do you want to ask Tyler to come to church with us sometime? I mean, I know what he did to you, but maybe, maybe, we can re-form him? You and I both know I like him, but--" She cuts me off with a strict tone.
  "You can, but I won't. After what he did to me, I never wanted to see his face again. The worst part was he held onto me longer than he usually holds onto his ladies. Then, just like that, he let go of the rope and let me fall down that cliff. If you want him to be around us, I guess I would enjoy his kindness again but I will not be doing the work to keep him around." She says with a coldness and very little breath.

  We finally come home without saying much else, and to my expense, Tyler is standing at the front door.

  I walk Danie back home, and as I walk back to my house, Tyler is standing on the driveway, waiting patiently. I just know he will wait for me as long as it takes. He'll never stop trying to get me unless I do something. So before he can say anything, I start speaking.
  "Yes. I'll go out with you despite what my Dad wants, but under one condition, okay? You will come to church with me for a month. This month. Until September, I will come to your house every Sunday until you are ready for church. There's only three weeks left of August, so you will come to church three times. Fair enough?" I say. If he really wants me, he will, without a doubt, fall for my trick. This or he can say no, and never win me, or my Dad over.

"Yes! Yes! Oh my god, yes!" He screams. He sounded like a girl, so I laugh.

  "Can you come for dinner at least on Friday? He asks. "Just so we can get to know each other, and so I can be taught about this church that I will be going to for the next month?" He says asks, kindly. How does he do it?

  "Of course. Just nothing fancy, alright? On friday." I say, secretly excited.
  He walks me into my house, and the moment I open the door, Dad is standing there, eyeing Tyler.
  "I didn't do anything sir I promise. We're just going out for a casual dinner next week, fair?" He asks. The tone in his voice makes me feel like the two of them had discussed this for some reason, which is odd.
  "Okay Mr.James. Just rememeber the agreement." He replies.
  "What agreement?" I feel intrigued.
  "We talked earlier and your father agreed to let me ask you out as long as we don't touch at all and I treat you well." Tyler explains to me.
  I feel like I should be angry for some reason, but I just laugh and look at my dad who smiles back at me. "Alrighty then, Mr. James. It is an honor to go on my first date with you."
  His eyes turn electric and he bows as if I'm a princess.
  He stops himself while reaching to kiss my hand, and leaves nervously. How could a bad boy be so adorable? How could my dad be okay with this? What the heck is going in my life right now?
  Everything feels new and confusing, but I like where it's all going.

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