10-Dirk's guilt

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Katherine's POV

I walked home with a without a roof look. My make-up was not waterproof which I don't care about but I got stares and kept hearing out of the depth talks. My hair was all over my face and was getting stuck to my face every now and then due to my never ending tears. Moreover, I was not able to walk in those heels because I've never walked so fast in them. They will break any moment! I only wanted to get home as quick as possible!

One side of my brain was thinking all that and my other side was still with Dirk.

I still don't know if I did the right thing breaking up for that reason but at that moment I felt vile. Not only he hid things from me about his previous sexual meet but he also hid about that idiotic bet. I never felt so repulsive. Basically I've never had a boyfriend to feel repulsive. First attempt itself gone wrong!

Christy's gonna be raged by hearing all this. I can't even think of my parents' expression after hearing this tale.

I didn't even know I reached home thinking of all this. I took a deep breath, thinking whether to storm in directly or go slowly and explain my parents everything.

I chose the first option.

I opened the door and started walking upstairs. Mom, who was vaccuming the house, plugged out the connection and glanced at ne worriedly, "You said you'll be meeting Dirk's mom."

"We broke up." I controlled my tears as I didn't want to burst out infront of her. Before my mom could react, "I don't want to talk about it." I blustered.

I went into my room, locked the door and directly jumped onto the bed crying. My brain wasn't able to process what happened in the last few hours. My phone kept ringing and I was about to cancel the call thinking it would be Dirk, but it was Christy.

"H-hello?" My voice was quavering.

"What's all with leaving the farewell? The program just got over-"

"We broke up, Christy!"

"Who we? What? Dirk and you?? Whyyyyyy?!" She sounded annoyed.

I explained her everything and she was screaming through the phone.

"Should I kill him with kindness? Nah, he doesn't deserve it. I'll kill him with own legs-"

What was she up to? "Legs?!"

"His sinful body doesn't deserve getting touched by my pure hand." She spat.

"So your legs aren't pure?"

"Aha. I did many sinful things you know...Like, letting guys inside my-"

This girl will not close her dirty mouth! "No, no, no. Enough!"

I spoke with her for a few more minutes and honestly, she made me feel better. Atleast with her profanities.

Later, I dozed off to forget about him.

Dirk's POV

I didn't want to go home after Katherine left me in this narrow lane alone. I didn't want to explain mom all this. She would surely get angry on me mainly for taking up a sudden relationship even when she warned me to be careful about it. But I had no choice. If not today, one or the other day my mom will get to know.

Anxious me, took a step into my house. Mom was all dressed-up in her blue and white polka dot, full length midi dress. She put on some lipstick and tied her hair into a neat and classy bun.

"Hey! Where is she?" Mom looked behind me hoping Katherine would've come. Sorry, mom! I couldn't make it.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and cried.

"Mom I'm sorry! I've done a mistake. I didn't expect all this...." I couldn't stop my tears.

Mom pulled away from me and glanced at me. She sat on the couch and I placed my head on her lap. The place I always felt soothing. She ruffled through my hair, "I don't know what you did or what she did. I don't know if the mistake is yours or hers but it's alright. I'm happy that you broke up before marrying and having kids...."

Mom was implying about dad. "But I don't know what to do. I want her back. I didn't expect this at all!" I uttered.

Mom held my face and made me sit up,"You isolate yourself. Forget her. Take a week, or two weeks or 2 years. But remember, she's not the one for you." Mom stood up to go to her room. Before going, she turned back and said, "Maybe."

Maybe? Yeah, mom meant that I should not give up on Katherine. Or maybe I should and move on? However I can't listen to mom. She says all this because she's had a bad marriage life. She can't expect Katherine's and my life to go like that!

3rd person POV

Katherine woke up due to a lot the noise of shuffling of things. She looked around to see her room almost empty. She walked downstairs. The living room was filled with boxes which had cellotape all over. Her mother was cleaning out the kitchen and her dad was lifting up a huge cardboard box.

"What's going on?" She asked. Her dad looked at her from top to bottom. That's when Katherine realised she was still in her long frock with all the dirty makeup on her face.

"We wanted to tell you since 2 days but you were...not...um..listening...." Her dad spoke as he fit the TV into a huge box.

"Okay are you not going to tell me or what?" She asked impatiently.

"Well, we will, sugar plum. You'll not let us tell you. Will you?" Her mom gave her a glass of water.

"Since you got internship at Pollen Prints, you said you will buy a own house nearby your office. Additionally, your dad has been shifted to a different branch. So we'll be shifting our house. Which will be near to both of you. You know, it environs the city." She patted Katherine's back.

"All of a sudden?" Katherine gave back the water glass to her mother.

"Well, it'll be good for you too, you know, forget him-" Her mom started.

"Mom, don't talk about him." Katherine abruptly squeaked.

Her mother nodded nonchalantly.


After a few days, Dirk musters up the courage to confess and apologise to Katherine. He called her a few times but it wasn't reachable because Katherine changed her number. He called Christy too but she didn't pick his calls. So, he directly came to her home.

To his disappointment, it was locked and there was a For Sale board outside. He was confused and it took him a few seconds to understand what happened.

She moved away.

He didn't know how far, but she went far away.
A/N-I'm gonna ask something new....Which character do you hate until now?? ;(
        Hope you liked the chapter even though it was short.
        I'll not be available for next few months. Hence, I'll post many chapters today.
        Do vote!! ~  ~

Lots of love,

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