4-Dirk's proposal

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Katherine and Dirk opened their mouths wide open.

"Seriously dad?! It's just hot in here..." Katherine stared in disbelief.

"Sure, my darling daughter." He winked.

"Umm..nothing like that Mr.Jonathan, nothing like that." Dirk showed his fakest smile ever.

"Early from work today?" Katherine diverted the topic. She didn't want things to get so awkward.

Mr.Jonathan nodded, closed the door and went back.

After her dad went, "Please don't mind my dad. He's just a little open with me."

"Doesn't seem like little." Dirk snorted.

"Well yeah. More!" Katherine suddenly became furious and said,"That's why I said not to remove your dirty little shirt."

"No big deal." Dirk said. A moment later, he stifled his laugh.

"What is that for now?"

"Irony is that, when we were making out your dad didn't notice and when we are not making out, he suspects us. However, us both sleeping, how nice thought is that!"

"Youuuu! Snark." Katherine slapped Dirk on his chest.

"Okay okay." Dirk smirked.

"Actually I'm very close to my dad. There's nothing I didn't say him. Even the most of all girly things. My period cramps, my first kiss, all my dates, everything!"

"That's so impressive. If I do that, my mom will just screw me up daily. You know, even though I'm 22 years old, my mom keeps restricting me over all this."

"Even I get rantings from my dad when I say him I go on blind dates sometimes. Gosh, just think if I said him that I kissed you without even knowing your name! My mom too is not so easy to convince. I just don't say her everything, you know..."

"It's surprising how you didn't tell him about me."

"It's been only a month I met you. And I don't wanna tell him that I kissed a guy who fought with me."

Dirk smirked. "Okay then, I'll leave, Kathy. Or it'll make your dad more suspicious." Dirk stressed on the last word.

Katherine frowned.


"So it'll be your second date. Right?" Christy whispered during Mrs.Williams' class. They felt so bored during her classes. All she said was about real life experiences. That's actually supposed to be interesting, but no! She spoke over and over about her bitter experiences, which the whole class was tired of hearing.

"Kind of." Katherine softly said.

"Kind of? It's the truth. Just stop covering it up. You guys are in love!"

"What? We are just friendly friends. You know I hang out with boys like this."

"I never heard of this friendly friends. But just think, it's a warm Friday evening, a walk to the Laven River with your boyfri-"

"Stop calling him my boyfriend. He isn't. From the first day you keep saying that!"

"Ms.Jonathan and Ms.Dorman, would you stop talking to the walls and the air? Or is that you both are talking to each other?" Mrs.Williams scolded. Okay, shouted.

Katherine and Christy looked at each other. "Sorry, Mrs.Williams."


Katherine wore floral pleated skirt with a solid white blouse. She combed her hair neatly and transformed it into a side braid. Dirk,on the other hand, wore white hoodie which read a pretty boy killer and a pair of blue jeans.

LOVE ME AGAIN Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora