8-Dirk's explanation

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Dirk's POV

I felt shattered. Katherine went away in a beeline infront of me. I couldn't help her or protect her from catcalling.

My mind felt totally blank.

"That was a week ago. I forgot it and you must too. Leave it!" I scowled.

"Bottle up, man! If you would've won, we would have surely given you $500." Robert screeched.

Yes, it was my fault to agree to the bet but we were drunk which is a total reasonable explanation. I was trying to forget it by ignoring Katherine for a week. It did help. I thought these guys forgot too but they didn't. I can't take it as a gospel how these guys are my friends. Little did I know that they had bad intentions on Katherine.

"Fuck off, you shit face." I replied in the same tone he screeched.

"So that girl and her shag changed you?" Nevin came came forward.

What does he mean? Like seriously, what?!

"How dare you say that!" I couldn't help myself but to hold Nevin's neatly collared shirt.

Nevin kicked me in my left thigh to defend himself. I stepped back, balancing my weight on my right foot, and threw my right fist out in a curved punch at his temple. I pulled him to my feet, almost tearing the collar. I heard the slight rasp of material ripping.

Robert grunted as he pulled me and Nevin apart. I thought he was going to take my side but, no. Instead, he clenched his fist and punched me in my stomach. I winced out of pain.

"I'll g-give you...anything you w-want, except for Kathy." I accepted my defeat amd raised my hands in surrender. All I wanted to do was go and explain myself infront of her.

"Is it? Yell out are a sore loser." Robert said, "You are Dirk-The Jerk." Robert sardonically laughed.

I remembered Katherine's words.

Look, it's just a bad day. Not bad life.

She was wrong. I am having a bad life.

I had no choice, "I'm a sore loser. I'm...Dirk-The Jerk...." I shed tears.

Robert and Nevin were about to speak but an announcement abruptly came up, "Final year students, pay attention please. Final year students will we having their farewell in a few minutes, please report to the assembly ground. I repeat, final year students will we having their farewell in a few minutes, please report to the assembly ground. Thank you."

Robert and Nevin spat of me and adjusted their hair and dress and walked in pride as if they had won over John Cena or something.

I wiped my tears and started to move towards the assembly ground. As I went, thousands of thoughts came to my mind.

How was I going to face her ever again? Will she listen to my side of the story? Will it be normal again? What if she leaves me? What if I cannot mend my mistake?

Katherine's  POV

Christy was already sitting on one of those pink perforated plastic chairs which was arranged for them. She was looking into a tiny little make-up mirror when I came wiping my tears and setting my hair, which was wet from my tears.

"What-" Christy inquired.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I muttered under my breath. I cannot break down explaining everything to her when the event is just going to start. I just want to leave this place. I would've gone but my speech! Arghhhh! I have to wait until it's over.

Thankfully, Christy nodded in agreement.

Soon the program started and our juniors did a few dances and Mr.Barman spoke, a few teachers spoke and I was called backstage as it was time for my speech to start.

I didn't know if I could even do it with all those eyes on me. I was having confidence until tonight. I cannot say the speech infront of him. Also, I don't know how I'm looking but I have a gut feeling that I look terrible from all the weeping.

I started having double thoughts about Dirk. I should've given him a chance to explain. Or I might give in future. But I don't think it'll tinker our relationship.

Trust- I lost it once his friends groped me.
Honesty- If he had something like that, he would've told me about the it the day it happened.
Love- If he truly loved me, he would've fought with his friends instead of letting them grope me.
Care- If he cared, he should've come behind me once I left. He didn't. He didn't want to.

"Now I'd request , Ms.Jonathan to give a farewell speech on behalf of all her friends and classmates." Mrs.Williams spoke on the mic.

I entered with my pale and dull face.

"Good evening all of you. It has been my great pleasure and privilege to study in this university for the past 2 years and complete my Masters here. I still remember, vividly, walking into the corridors for the first time, nearly two years ago, and I can still see it infront of my eyes. All of us entered full of hopes and full of dreams. Walking into a new hope. Walking into an unknown place in hope of settling nicely in the future. I remember the warmth and hospitality of all the people in this university. Teachers, staff and, my dear friends. It was great being with all of you throughout. I would love to thank all my mentors and guides. I've learnt to love-" I stopped as I looked at Dirk and then Christy. She nodded her head and showed me a thumbs up.

"Quick! Don't change the lines." Mr.Barman whispered.

I will, Mr.Barman. I will have to. I'm sorry.

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat briefly, "I've learnt to love and I've learnt to hate. These 2 years have taught me that we must not trust everbody we come across but yeah, wherever we go, we must learn life lessons. A big kudos to all of them who beared me throughout....." I  again stopped as tears filled her eyes and everybody's else's.

I couldn't continue anymore. I could feel Dirk's eyes fixed on mine and yes, they were full of guilt and I don't know if he was faking it.

"Continue!!!" Mr.Barman clearly seemed annoyed.

"I can't, sorry! I'm leaving. Excuse me." I got down the stage and scurried out of the university.

I didn't want to return.
A/N-Next is flashback episode and it's a loonngggggg one.
        Waiting for you guys to see it. Might seem lame, but it'll be good. Trust me.
        Thanks for 100 reads. I'm so happy. I love you guys so much!!
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Lots of love,

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