III. I Get Claimed by the God of Arrogance

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I didn't know what to think. My knees wobbled as I stared at Alec. He just gave me a sympathetic look.

Everything I knew was a lie. My father... my father was a God. I was half god.

What did that mean for me? Did I have powers? Was I in danger??

What world had I stumbled into?

"My mom said..." I started, taking a deep breath. "That my father is a god. But who? Which god?"

Alec shrugged. "You won't find out until he claims you."

I didn't know what that meant. I frowned. "Who is your..." I waved my hand, not knowing the correct word to use.

"Godly parent?" he supplied, his tone growing bitter for a moment. "My dad is Apollo. God of music, poetry, the sun, and arrogance. More or less."

As if on cue, the rapidly lowering sun passed behind a dark cloud.

Then, a bell rang in the distance. "That's the first dinner bell," Alec said. Concern returned to his eyes. "Are you all right? Do you feel better?"

Physically? Yes.

Mentally? Definitely not.

Alec cocked his head. "I know this is probably overwhelming for you. Hades, I almost had a mental breakdown when I found out-" he chuckled again. "But you'll get used to it pretty quickly. Are you hungry?"

I was hungry. So I followed him to dinner. Food solves everything, I guess.


We trekked across the sunbaked valley. The sky was stained with the color of denim and peaches as the sun snuck below the horizon. As I looked at the sun, I felt a bit of warmth blossom in my chest.

Alec took me on a miniature tour, pointing out landmarks we passed. There was a ring of cabins, each elaborately decorated in a different way. My guide explained that each cabin was for a seperate god. I wondered which one mine would be.

Finally, we reached the dining pavilion, which was packed with more kids than I would've expected. Even though nobody was looking in our direction, I felt like all eyes were on me. I didn't belong here.

Alec pointed to a table in the back of the pavilion. "Since you're unclaimed, you have to sit with the Hermes cabin."

"Oh," I said, not really able to come up with any other words.

"Um," he rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess I'll see you around, then. Tell me if you have any questions. Good luck."

With that, he left me, going to sit beside a pretty black girl who grinned at him. I tried not to feel abandoned and quickly made my way to the table in the back, which, like all the other tables, was covered in plates of different foods.

Apollo, Summer, and the Camp for Greeks | DoS #1Where stories live. Discover now