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Meng Yao felt restless. He knew that the man did him a great favor by saving him, but he would soon find out what he really wanted by doing that. That man never did anything without calculating the outcome, if the outcome was not favorable for him, he would not lift his hand although the other man was dying in front of him.

Sometimes he was afraid of the man's viciousness, when he was dealing with… people, like he did not care for their life at all. Even a slightest mistake, a tiny mistake, would cost them their life. 

So, when he heard that Jin Zixun was causing problems left and right, with his father being in the spotlight because of his mass graves and the killing of his wife, added to that, Su Minshan's father was arrested for paedophilia, of all things, he knew he had to cut the loose ties. Unless he wanted that psychopath to end his life too.

Meng Yao took his phone and dialed the familiar number.


The lazy, unruly voice was starting to get on his nerves, but he held it, after all, she's family.

"I need you to take care of the loose ends, soon."

"Now you say that? After making me babysit them for a whole fucking month?" Meng Airan snickered and looked at Jin Su, who was drugged and out of her mind, with four men fucking her. She was already half dead pumped full with drugs and semen. It was just a matter of time before she died. But whatever her brother said. "Well, I had a pleasure taking care of your baby sister anyway, she was really good at opening her legs, and I made you a sweet profit out of that too."

"Jesus, what did you do to her?" Meng Yao only told his sister to take care of Jin Su, not using her as a prostitute, but whatever, he knew his sister's personality and he did not want to get on her bad side.

"Just helping your half sister to realize her potential. Why don't we use her body until she dies? It won't be that long anyway, judging by the dose she takes just now." Meng Airan glanced at the person in question, who moaned and moved like a veteran prostitute, and it was making her aroused. She gestured to one of the men to come and get down on her.

"Whatever. What about the other three?"

"I'll take it that your little lover already had a plan in motion for them. Just sit tight and enjoy the ride. Gotta go now, busy." She then cut off the connection to concentrate on the man in front of her.

Meng Yao looked at the phone with frustration clear on his face. His sister was some kind of a wild horse, and if the man did not have a plan for her, he would not want to work together with her. She was too… volatile, too unpredictable. Although she was a good killing machine with her dead conscience. She killed people like she would a fly, no hesitation, no second thought. Maybe that's why the man wanted to use her in his next project. He just needed to sit tight and wait for his next order.

"I should start to call you Mr. Ice Flower. A very beautiful ice flower, whom the girl bees have been buzzing over, trying to suck your sweet, sweet nectar." Wei Wuxian was chilling in the bathtub back at the penthouse while Lan Wangji massaged his leg. They were taking a leisurely hot bath after a little party with whipped cream and champagne that Lan Wangji brought last night, which left them all kind of sticky in uncomfortable places.

"Mm, I love it when you're talking dirty. Keep going." Lan Wangji pressed the balls of Wei Wuxian's feet and it made him gasp.

"And which part of my words are dirty? I'm just telling the truth. Look at the girl who ripped her clothes just to be held by you for example." Wei Wuxian blew the bubbles from his nose away.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Lan Wangji kissed Wei Wuxian's toes and moved upward.

"Right. I bet you don't. Anyway, we need to finish soon, I want to check on the prep at Purgatory." He looked at Lan Wangji, who smiled suspiciously before he grabbed his ankle and put them on his broad shoulder. 

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now