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The entrance to Dr. Xue's underground laboratory was exactly like the one in the movie villain's lair. They landed on the flat rooftop that was meant for helicopter's landing, and from there they entered into one of the four brick towers. From there Dr. Xue put his palm on the palm reader on the wall and a part of the wall opened to reveal a futuristic looking elevator, which earned a whistle from Xie Lian.

"You've upgraded your Batman's cave, Dr. Xue? Nice to see that we don't have to walk to the basement, while carrying a body. Although I'm sure that Lan Wangji doesn't mind."

"Thank you, Dianxia. Now, should we proceed straight to the lab?" Dr. Xue looked at Chen Yu. "He..."

"He's fine, uncle. I'm sure we owed him an explanation too." Lan Wangji still did not let go of the sleeping Wei Wuxian.

"It's okay, Dr. Xue, whatever my cousin-in-law here says." Xie Lian grinned and patted Lan Wangji's back. From that close of a distance, Lan Wangji caught a glimpse of Xie Lian's earrings. It was shaped like a phoenix, but he could be wrong. Xie Lian seemed to notice him and he just smiled mysteriously.

They entered the underground lab shortly, where the atmosphere suddenly changed into something eerie, since there was no lighting except for the huge capsule at the back of the room, which was connected to a lot of cables and filled with blue liquid. But what caught their eyes was that there was a body floating inside the capsule.

"What in the world..." Chen Yu was very surprised and that was exactly the shared sentiments as Lan Wangji.

"Tadaa, I present to you, Wei Wuxian 2.0." Xie Lian dramatically pointed at the body, who, when Lan Wangji examined from close distance, resembled someone between Wei Wuxian and Mo Xuanyu.

"Who is Wei Wuxian?" Chen Yu asked them. He was the only one clueless about it all.

"It's a long story, son, but I'll explain it to you later." Xie Lian patted Chen Yu's back while Lan Wangji looked at him strangely. He was not that old, yet he treated everyone like he's their elder.

"I wouldn't ask too much if I were you." Dr. Xue whispered to Lan Wangji after he turned on the electricity in the lab so that it did not look like a haunted house. "The Great Sage, that's him, he's always a bit... eccentric." Well, if Dr. Xue the eccentric called another man the same, that meant the man was even more... out-of-the-box. Seeing as he was Wei Wuxian's cousin, Lan Wangji wouldn't be too surprised if he pulled out a body out of nowhere, just like this one.

"Okay, cousin, put that body here, and I will inject the nanotech first, then I will prepare the array for the transmigration. Dr. Xue, could you please take Xianxian and put him beside the body here? Mu Qing, help Dr. Xue please. Feng Xin, please check on Miss Xue and the others. If the motley crew arrived, take them here too. I want them to be here to witness Xianxian's resurrection."

While Xie Lian and Dr. Xue prepared for the soul transmigration, which Lan Wangji would never believe if he did not see it by himself, he explained to Chen Yu about the fate of the real Mo Xuanyu. That he died the night the prank went too far, and he had the proof. But then his explanation paused when he saw the body up close.

"This..." he touched the arm of the body, who looked like she was sleeping. "This is a woman's body?" Lan Wangji looked so surprised. "But..."

"Trust me, this is the best body ever." Xie Lian looked so excited. "Do you know what it is? It is the mythical Angel Devourer. The whole body was made from diabolium, the extinct biotech that was ruling the world about, oh I don't know, thousands years ago?" Xie Lian's face suddenly became serious. "Lan Wangji, this is the best option for Xianxian, you do know that. I will not let him rot inside that body, no offense Chen Yu, and I don't need your permission too, since I am his closest relative here. I only inform you that I will do anything to keep my cousin alive."

Lan Wangji listened to the passionate speech with relief. He knew that this man cared so much for Wei Wuxian, just like he is.

"I know, Xie Lian. And I appreciate it that you involve me to this end." Lan Wangji softly removed a strand of hair from Wei Wuxian's sleeping face. "I trust that you know the best, more than I will ever do." Lan Wangji had already resigned his beloved soulmate's fate to the cousin, who looked like an angel, sounded like a madman, but the only one with a solution.

"Don't sell yourself short, Lan Wangji. You love him, and that's enough for me." Xie Lian patted Lan Wangji's back fondly. Then he focused back on the body. "You will be surprised with what this body can do." Xie Lian examined the body closely. "But, first, this body will need fresh blood from the heart of someone who loved them the most to start. And I guess that would be you, Lan Wangji. Just a precaution that the owner of the blood will share their life and death with the owner of the body. Take it as a... bond to the extreme if you will."

"I will do it." Lan Wangji spoke without any hesitation.

"Of course you will." Xie Lian smiled mysteriously. "You are the only one I permit to do it. But before that, I will need something.The diabolium talisman. I know Auntie Xing has them. It's the... let's say it's the source of power for this body."

Diabolium Talisman.

Lan Wangji remembered it was the thing that her mother gave as a present to Mo Xuanyu and he asked him to keep it.

Was this all really a coincidence? Or was it fate?

"I think I know what you mean." Lan Wangji took out his phone and dialed the only person he trusted to do this.

"Hua Cheng, I need your help with something."

Luo Binghe, Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge arrived shortly after and they were being escorted to the lab. They looked at the body of Mo Xuanyu, then the Angel Devourer body, and then at each other.

"Dianxia, whose body is that? How come he looked like a cross between Xianxian and Mo Xuanyu?" Shen Qingqiu asked Xie Lian, who was busy observing the Angel Devourer from up close.


Lan Wangji was surprised to hear Shen Qingqiu called that name. Was he...

Right at that time, another commotion was heard at the entrance. Lan Wangji peeked and found Hua Cheng and Mu Qing were facing off against each other, and there was wildness in Hua Cheng's eyes that he rarely saw there lately.

"Hua Cheng..."

"Mu Qing, what did I tell you about being polite to our guests?" Xie Lian scolded Mu Qing, who quickly backed out of Hua Cheng's face and stood behind Xie Lian with a still suspicious look in his eyes.

"Yes, Dianxia, I apologize Dianxia."

Lan Wangji knew the moment the name Dianxia was out of Mu Qing's mouth, Hua Cheng must be very surprised, because he did.

"Dianxia?" He asked with a small voice.

"Hmm? Oh it's just a nickname that everybody seems to call me." Xie Lian chuckled, then he lifted his head to look at Hua Cheng. "Hi there, are you Wangji's friend?"

"Yes, he was like a brother to me." Lan Wangji pulled Hua Cheng closer and sat him down. "Breathe." He whispered to Hua Cheng. "Did you bring the diabolium?"

Hua Cheng gave it to Lan Wangji without any words. His eyes locked on Xie Lian like a laser, and there were so many emotions behind his gaze. How come he still looked the same after all these years? That was the first thought that came into Hua Cheng's mind when he saw Xie Lian. The same person that he fell in love with when he was a child. The person who saved him from the utter devastation that was forced on him by his own parents, that resulted in his... his abomination of an eye. He instinctively touched his left eye which was covered by the black patch to hide the thing that was the bane of his existence.

But Xie Lian didn't seem to realize that he was being observed by Hua Cheng. Or if he did, he did not show it. Instead he told them all to be quiet and not moving. Then he took the diabolium, and frowned.

"Where is the other one?"

remnants of you 🔞(Angel Devourers #2) WangXian FFWhere stories live. Discover now