29. Finale

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It's done. Axis finally eliminated the nightmare just as he promised. But now, he is facing his fuming father-in-law.

While his wife is delivering their baby, his ears are suffering from the scolding of Mew.

☀: What the hell were you thinking? Using your pregnant wife as bait?!

Axis flinched at the loud voice of Mew.

🌻: Boo, stop it... Let's talk about this later...

Gulf said rubbing his hubby's back to calm him down.

☀: But-

'I'm sorry, Dada, Mama. But I didn't plan this to happen.' Axis said looking down

The elders are there too.

'I got a message that she's up to hurting Thanari while I'm gone and I don't want anything to happen to him but... I know it's my fault that this happened and I will forever blame myself if something bad happened to my wife and son. It's just that, the circumstances-

🌻: Hey, son, it's okay... Don't beat yourself up. I'm sure Thanari was only shocked seeing you being shot in front of him. You took the bullet for him and he saw that with his eyes. He'll be fine. They will be fine.

Gulf said caressing his son-in-law's son who is starting to have trouble breathing.

After some time, Ari came out and was greeted by her family.

🌻: Baby girl, how's your brother and nephew?

Gulf asked her daughter worriedly... Ari smiled

🦋: They're fine Ma. Thanari is just emotionally tired and little Kyelux is healthy even though he's weeks early.

They all sigh in relief and Axis's knees gave up and he falls to the ground.

🤖: Hey, you okay?

Thari asked his brother-in-law

'Y-yeah... J-just... I'm a d-dad now.' Axis said with tears in his eyes...

'W-where is he?' He asked Ari

🦋: Recovery room. And Baby Kyel is- oh here he is.

A nurse came out from the OR wheeling the baby. They all coo and Axis can't explain what's he's feeling seeing his baby for the first time. All he could do is cry with happiness.

☀: Such a cry baby

Mew mumbled making Gulf pinched his side.

🌻: Stop bullying your son-in-law. You are not far from him when I gave birth to our triplets.

The elders chuckled making Mew pout.

🦋: Okay, let's say goodbye first. He needs to get a check-up first. And Thanari will be transferred to a room. You can wait for him there.

Ari told them and they all followed and went to the room.

Ari told them and they all followed and went to the room

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