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Fuck baby where are you? Where did you go with that kid?...how can I explain when you're not here.

'Please baby come back..please...' I keep mumbling until someone knocked..I rush to see if my baby is finally back..but to my surprise..it was his brother..


🤖: The one and only.

I stood frozen..then I saw my two friends standing awkwardly behind him..

'He's scary' Yin said..Prom rolled his eyes...

🤖: Aren't you going to invite me in? Brother in law?

He said smirking..this nong is really getting on my nerves...if he's not only my Thanari's brother..I already beat him to pulp..I sighed moving away from the door to let him in..But before he enter,he turned to my two friends who halts in their steps..

🤖: Go and do what I told you before..

With that,the two hurriedly went to their room...I look questionably at him but he just shrugged.. He walk straight to the bed..Bouncing like a kid..


🤖: What's your relationship with that Sam guy?

Oh..straightforward too I see..and geez..he knew his name already..

'He's my cousin.' He nods

🤖: from your mother side right? Because your father is the only child..

O~kay..he knew about that too...


🤖: Good...pack your stuffs because you're coming with me..

With him? Where?

🤖: *sighed*...if you want to explain yourself to my brother...start packing..While I get my brother's...

'Okay..but how is he?' I need to know he's okay..I don't want him sad..

🤖: Well..he's fine..he's in our private villa with the other kids...Don't worry,Rawin will take care of him..

'Rawin.' I said annoyed

🤖: oy..don't say my baby's name like that..

Baby? I look at him 👀

'He's your boyfriend?' Please say yes...

🤖: Well not officially..

'THEN MAKE HIM YOURS OFFICIALLY!' I don't know what came to me..he's looking at me shocked before he burst out laughing...this is embarrassing..

🤖: hahaha Phi...you're jealous of him aren't you???

'Er..so what?! That kid always stealing Thanari's attention..' I said huffing..

🤖: you are cute for your age phi..

'We are just one year apart you brat.' I sanapped at him..he just laugh..

I finished packing my stuff when I remember something..

'Nong..I will go out first. I need to talk to P'Jennie..'

🤖: No need..I already talked to her..Since Nana is done and free. She agreed..and your friends are coming...

'They are?'

🤖: Yup..I heard they are interested with the twins..


🤖: Let's go..

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