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Monday came and the Jongcheveevats are having breakfast...

🌻: Baby boy,you have practice today right?

Gulf asked his youngest while putting more bacon on his plate.

🚀: Yes Mama...we only got three weeks before the pageant

☀: What about your talent? What are you planning to showcase?

That made Thanari think....

🤖: jeez baby boy,don't tell us you still haven't decided yet?

🚀: Then I won't

🤖: aish you brat..

Thana stick out his tongue...

🌻: okay that's enough...go on with your food..

🚀: Uhm...Ma,Da.

Mew and Gulf look at him...

🚀: Can I use my bike now? Or my car?

☀: Why? Aren't Thari going to give you a ride?

Ari stifled a laugh...While the said man choked...Their parents frowned. They can sense something...

🚀: uhm...I don't want to burden P'Thari since my own ride are already here...

🌻: Yeah but...you will be tired the whole day and if you drive...

🤖: Just listen to Mama baby boy...besides you only need a ride going to school...

☀: what do you mean by that Thari?

Thana glared at his brother..and slowly smirk evilly..Ari shook her head...

🚀: You know what..You're actually right P'Thari...*turning to his parents* ....I will not use my bike nor my car until the pageant is finished...since I have P'Thari to give me ride...

Thari cursed inside...

🌻: That's good then...

🤖: But-

☀: Why? Don't want to?

Thari gulped...

🦋: idiot..

Ari mumbled...And Thana decided to teased more...

🚀: It's okay..I'll just hitch with P'Ari...P'Thari needs to be somewhere else..

🌻: and that somewhere is more important than you? His brother?

🤖: No Mama that's not true...

Thari start panicking...He tried to explain but he can't find words...

☀: Is it hard to say that you're going to pick up your boyfriend?

That caught him off guard...His eyes widens and his reaction made his parents and siblings laugh hard..

🤖: H-how?

🌻: what? You think we don't know anything about our precious babies??

Then Thana and Ari gulped...

☀: Uh huh..that includes you two..

🌻: jeez..it felt like only yesterday when you three were born...now you three have your own love life...

Thari and Ari look at Thana with questioning look...


☀: oh baby boy don't deny it...You and that Maurer's son..

🚀: I-uhm...

🦋: You're together already??

🤖: Since when? Why I didn't know anything about it?

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