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Thanari is beyond shock. This commotion is making him feel many things. He doesn't know if he should feel happy or what.

Seeing what's in front of him surely made his face turned red.

His fiancé decided to show up unexpectedly on the very first day of his work with placards

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His fiancé decided to show up unexpectedly on the very first day of his work with placards.

🅿: Sheesh...P'Axis is really...

Pete trailed off...

🦔: True. And those placards! He's really announcing you're his.

Thanari facepalmed.

'Hi, baby.' Axis said when they are standing face to face.

'Was this necessary P'Lux?' Thana asked in a whisper. Axis shrugged and gave his gift to his fiancé...

'Will you accept this princess bunny?' Axis asked handing the bunny...

Thanari accepts the bunny shyly. Axis chuckled at Thanari's cuteness.

'Everyone, I prepared some foods for you all to celebrate your boss's first day.'

Axis said loudly and his staff distributed it.

'Ms. Cha, I believe my fiancé is done for today?' Axis asked Thana's chief sec.

'Yes sir. You can have him but please sir, don't tire him too much.' Ms.Cha replied


Thanari blushed and his Chief giggled.


Axis took him to his cousin's restaurant. Thanari loves to eat there.

'P'Lin! P'Sam'

Thanari hug them when they arrived.

'Hello, my baby cousin-in-law... How's your first day of work?' Sam asked him ruffling his head

*giggles* 'It's good though a bit tiring. Also, someone decided to create a scene.' Thanari answered

'Let me guess, it's this cheesy best friend of mine right?' Lin asked with her brows wiggling teasingly

Thanari nods cutely... 'Ung. He showed up with a parade and placards. It's embarrassing.'

'Aw. I did it because I'm proud of you. And you're saying it's embarrassing?' Axis said tickling Thanari's sides

'Aw, phi~'

'Wui Axis, let him rest... Come on baby T let your P'Lin give you food.'

Lin grabbed Thana's arm and guides him to their table... Thanari plays along and sticks his tongue out to his fiancé...

'Ei Sam, can you do something about your woman? I'm afraid she'll corrupt my baby's mind.' Axis said

 THANARI (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora