Part 10: Unwanted meeting and break time

Start from the beginning

Dimitri: а that's right master Sergey the army reform is set to 60%

Dimitri said as the reform of the armies of the Russian Empire was placing great demands as the military army underwent a major change in both personnel and doctrine.

Dimitri: With the production of the M44 model DimErbsentarn completed by the contractors to gradually replace the inefficient Gimnasterka model.

The M44 DimErbsentarn is indeed more effective than the Gimnasterka in camouflage or ambush, and the new SS-60 helmets have an internal suspension system that makes them easier to adjust and secure.

Sergey: I see... so where's the R&D going on that thing?

Sergey curiously asked Dimitri when he remembered the project he assigned a few weeks ago that he assigned.

Dimitri: Currently, R&D's nuclear bomb research process is about to be completed thanks to the owner who provided the theory as well as its working principle.

Sergey: I see *sigh*

Sergey said as he prepared another pad and saw something interesting afterwards and continued.

Sergey: So what about magic? Do we know for sure what it is?

Sergey asked when he remembered a new concept called magic and he was surprised at first but quickly adapted to it as he knew that this was some kind of goddamn fantasy world.

Dimitri: Oh do you mean it later?

Dimitri said as he took out a small black box and placed it on the table

And inside there was a strange stone with many glowing branches.

Sergey then takes it out and enjoys it even though he's not a magician, but the energy it emits makes him feel it.

Dimitri: Oh, does the owner seem interested in it?

Dimitri asked happily as he watched Sergey put the magic stone in the box.

Sergey: Nyet I'm just curious about it...

Dimitri: Well then let me talk about the so-called magic, we also understand a part of it by recruiting magicians as well as books on magic, its potential is quite large among the people. Like magic stone, it also has the ability to filter the air and especially in the military.

Dimitri said then thought for a bit and continued.

Dimitri: As our Scientology experiments show that magic stones and magic elements have the ability to make a vehicle lighter and make it run faster, magic shields are also quite useful when resisting. bullets of various types of rifles and although there are some errors, our scientists are trying to figure it out.

Sergey: The so-called magic is also quite interesting... but there are still many flaws that need to be fixed...

Sergey said thoughtfully, but then a sound at the door came to his attention.

Sergey: Oh Liliya, what are you doing here and where is your sister?

Sergey gently spoke by his nickname when he saw a familiar petite figure.

Liliya: Sorry big brother but can you cook we are hungry...

Liliya said timidly while hiding behind the door.

Angela and Liliya were new to Sergey from the system as both of those kids had something special from the system that surprised and intrigued him but he didn't train right away because he didn't want the two kids. The other lost his childhood and it must be said that his relationship with Angela and Liliya grew even closer.

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