Two - The Kind Of Lover I Am

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"Demi?" Jess calls out once she shuts the front door. She saunters through the foyer and into the living room, scanning for her roommate. 

"Ugh, Demi. I've been worrying sick." Jess emerges from the kitchen wearing a light blue and white striped apron with a white kitchen towel draped over her left shoulder. She walks towards her roommate, embracing her in a tight hug as if she'd been away for weeks. After a few seconds, she lets go, baking flour now covering Demi's silky black blouse. She tries her best to dust it off with the kitchen towel apologetically. 

Demi holds her hand up, letting her know it's okay. "Sorry I didn't call you. I uh- met someone last night, and we hit it off." She says, a smile displayed proudly on her face. 

The idea of opening up about her encounter with Lexi last night comes naturally and honorably. Neither of her roommates are homophobic. Erica is bisexual, and Jess' father came out as gay when she was five years old, eventually marrying his new partner when Jess was nine. 

Erica emerges from the kitchen, a chocolate chip muffin stuffed in her face. "I told you she was most likely under some guy, Jess." Erica quips as she leans against the doorframe.

Jess rolls her eyes, summoning Demi to follow her as she walks back into the kitchen. Jess turns the oven off and opens the oven door, the smell of chocolate chip muffins even more pronounced. Demi follows, the sound of her heels against the tile radiating through the quiet house. "Actually, It wasn't a guy. It was a woman." She reveals unashamedly. 

Erica stands across from Jess, a pleased look plastered on her face once the details from her roommate's one-night-stand are out in the open. 

A loud crash and a high-pitched 'fuck' turn her roommates' attention to Jess, whose second batch of chocolate chip muffins are now scattered across the kitchen floor. Jess tends to bake when she is nervous. Anytime she is filled with uncertainty or unease, she bakes to fill her time and mind. Most of the time it's cupcakes or cookies and plenty of them. 

Jess circles around the kitchen island, ignoring the fresh batch of muffins laying on the floor. "I'm sorry, did you say woman?"

She nods her head yes with a bashful grin as thoughts of Lexi enter her mind. Her roommate slips an oven mitt off her hand and slaps her across the arm with it as she lets out a groan of frustration. Erica cackles from the corner of the kitchen.

"What was that for?" Demi asks confused.  

"Jess and I had a little bet going. I bet her fifty dollars you'd swing the gay way by the end of the month." 

"You asshats bet money on my sex life?" 

Jess rolled her eyes as Erica nudged her shoulder, rubbing her fingers together, ordering her to pay up. 

"Well don't expect to win any more money, Erica. It was just a one-time thing." She announces as she exited the kitchen and upstairs. 

"Were you at least satisfyingly fucked this time?" Erica yells from the kitchen as Demi shuts her bathroom door, turning the shower on. 

Demi can't contain the smirk that's settled on her face as she strips out of her clothes, reminiscing her time with Lexi. The way Lexi knew exactly what to do and where to touch her, eliciting back-arching, toe-curling orgasms. The way she moaned Demi's name and dug her fingernails into her back as she reciprocated the favor, over and over again. Demi turns around, tracing her fingers over the red lines on her shoulder blades, observing them through the full-length mirror on the wall. 

The steam from the hot water begins to cloud the mirror, an indication too much time has passed. Stepping into the shower, Demi lets the water pressure from the showerhead massage her back. It causes the half-circle red indentation to sting and Demi instinctively winces. Erica's words replay in her head. The gay way. Demi shakes her head. I'm not gay. It was just a one-night-stand. One intense and pleasurable one-night stand.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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