Chapter 36

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"I'm going to look for a job tomorrow.".....

I was a little excited at my choice this year. The people I had talked to had said that being a nanny was a job for the strong willed and those with a lot of patience since kids were a handful.

"What kind? I hope it's something exciting like the one you did two years back." Said Ruina. We had went to a restaurant not far from the cafè. Ruina only had thirty minutes of her time to spare thus the nearest restaurant.  And it was only the time apart from the movie night,that they could all be available.

I had a thing that I had made a turned  in an annual habit. If that's what you would call it. Every year ever since my fourth year in med school, on the last month off the year I would go and look for a job. Something I was not used to. On my first time I got a his at as a secretary. It didn't work out so good. I got fired after a week. The following years I put it to the extreme but only a little. I worked in a sex club,a strip club,but choose to work as a waitress. They did offer that I worked as a striped and I refused. Like the strip club the sex club that I worked at offered that I work with actual clients,as in sleep with them and I refused. I was a good waitress though. I also worked at a cafè, a cleaner at a high school,a librarian. That was the best job ever. I always had a thing for books. And this year I was gonna be a nanny. For three weeks.

"So what are you going to do?" Asked Juliet putting a mouthful of grilled fish in her mouth. "Yeah out with it." Agreed Ana. I took a bite of my own dish,wh8ch was fish and chewed it slowly. After i swallowed I said,"I am gonna be nanny or babysitter. What ever you choose to call it." I said shrugging my shoulders. They choked on they meal. "Water please." I yelled to a waiter. "No,no we're fine." They waved him away as he came rushing with a jar filled with water.

"A what? Are you out of your mind?" Yelled Ana,coughing a few times. "No,I'm not. Think of this as a practice run for when I get my own." The worry and pure horror of their faces cleared as they smirked. "What? Am I missing something here?" I asked in confusion. "Who's the lucky guy? You didn't say anything about starting a family when we talked. Spill it." Squilling Ana as the girls leaned in. I pushed my back to the chair in shock. "I am not planning a family. God no. What are you thinking? And I'm not pregnant if that what your thinking. God!" I downed the glass of juice and gave them one last look of horror. This girls were the death of me.

But come to think of it,the possibility of me being pregnant were there. MY period was late and I had been filling a little nauseous the past two days but that did not mean I was pregnant.  It could have been due to anything I may have eaten in the past three to four weeks.

After that we went our separate ways. Ruina had to go back to the café. Juliet and Anastasia had to go back to the hospital and I had had to go to the agency.


"Do you have any experience in the job?" Asked the lady behind the big mahogany table that sat between us. She had that look on her face that gave little kids nightmares and possible me. She was way too serious.

"Well yes. I babysat my little sister and the neighbors children..." I said with a faint smile,playing with my fingers under the table. "...I also basically raised my cousins and little sister. You can ask my mother if you want." She looked at me with a bored look on her face. Maybe she didn't want to be here as much as I was.

"How do you propose I get shold of her?" She asked. Her eyes scrutinizing me,making me feel small form where I was seating.  I did actually half lie to her. I didn't babysit the neighbors children. This a kid would make anyone want to pull all their hair out. They were those kind of kids that made you hate babysitting. As for my cousins and baby sister,it was half true. I did help raise them when I was on a school  holiday. And now she wanted to call mother. "I would really love to help,but she is in another country and currently in reach." I said leaning in a little. The nervousness inside was killing me and it looked like she knew I was lieing to her. The sweet laughed she let out as I gave her a sincere smile told me that. She would make a really good high school principal. She looked like that kind of lady that did not take shit form anyone.

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