Chapter 14:part two

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We were sitting outside near the pool which was facing the lake. The lighting was dim,like the rest of the house but the inside of the house a bit brighter. The lake glistered and twinkled in the night. A romantic scene with the sky clear. A picture made by a hopeless romantic.

The pizza was half way finished. I took only one slice and Nick took only three.

I stoop up from the pool chairs and used my hands to smooth my dress. It was a yellow skirt that reached just above my knees. I chose to wear it with a black sleeveless blouse.

"I'll be back in a sec."

He stopped me by grabbing my wrist in one swift move. "And were do you think you're going? Actually Don't answer that. I'm coming with you." He said smiling up at me and stood from were he was seated and we were off.

The original plan was eat and then go take a shower. No way in my plans was he going to join me. I was not going to share a shower with him and if he thought I was he was solemnly mistaken. Plus he had taken his alone.

Like he'll I would share with him. Even the thought of him naked and... turned me on. So I was not going to risk it.

I  walked up the stairs making sure to walk ahead ahead of him to the room he had went into an hour and a half ago. "Thank you for accompanying me." I said telling him off. "Even though I didn't ask for it." I said in a whisper. " Oh. You asked princess. Your body was begging me to come with." He said smirking and a wry smiled played on his perfect face. "Really?!" I said with sass and my hand on my hip. "Yah really." He said back. We were going anuwher anytime soon. I was fighting a losing battle with the guy and if I continued, I was not gonna take a shower.

"Ok. For real Nick you may go now." I said seriously. " But I don't want to go.  I wanna stay here with you." He said whining  with puppy dog eyes,as his arms snaked their way on my waist and he pulled me closer. Lifting me off the ground. I  wrapped my arms around his neck for support since the skirt I was wearing was too tight for me to wrap my legs around his waist. "You need to put me down." I said in a small voice as one of his hand maneuvered to my butt and I felt myself begin to pool. "Do I really have to?" He said looking me on the eyes and his were full of lust. I nodded.

Lust for me.

Even though I wanted him it would likely to be a one night stand and I don't think I would have recovered from that one.

"I can't leave you alone for long but I have to. So while you... I'll  make a shake or do you prefer a bowl of ice cream?" He asked still keeping eye contact though I was making it hard for him. I kept trying to look around but he kept it firm and steady.  I had no chance but to look into those blue eyes of his and pray that he went away.

"A bowl would be good."

"I'll be down stairs in the kitchen  if you need me." He said and turned to walk away from me. I released a breath that I had not even realized I was holding. "Five minutes,tops." He stopped midway and I said nothing.

Give minutes?! Is he crazy? Who showers and gets ready in that time? Not even a mosquito could be that quick.

"I liked You better a few seconds ago when you were all over..." I muttered, stopping as I saw him stop walking.

"What was that?" He turned and asked. "Oh nothing. You may go." I said in a hasty voice.

I hope he didn't hear that.

I opened the door and it led to a big bedroom with a kingsize bed with two night stands. Two doors stood on the right,well with one without an actual door but it looked like it led somewhere. The room was beautiful but seemed empty apart from from the bed and a book shelf the stood on my left not far from the door.

The couch was a beautiful shade of white with a fair number of cushions on it. It looked comfy.

The room had only two windows it was floor to ceiling window,A sliding door but with no balcony. The black curtains were not drawn and the window-door was not closed. I went to close it also enjoying the view of the garden below. It was on the back of the house. Closing the curtains,I walked to the place were I saw the doors. I went into the the room without an actual door and it got me into a walk in closet. It was not filled to the bream with clothes but those that were there smelled of him,Nick. I walked out and went into the second one and it led me to my destination,the bathroom.

I was in no way already used to the beauty of the house even the bath was gorgeous. A big shower that could possibly fit two. A paw tub that could fit two people. White tiles on the floor,one vanity sink and a toilet.

It was built for two but with one sink.

I heaved a disappointed sigh at the thought of the bathroom having only one sink.

The walls were a very dark shade of grey with black tiles in the shower. It was very dark but as equally beautiful and intriguing. The lighting fixtures were unnecessarily bright but stil the room was wow.

"Who exactly is this guy?" I asked myself.

The shower was relaxing,well at least I thought of relaxing  after figuring out how the shower worked and that took me forever. I had forgotten all about what Mr 'What I say goes' and what he had said.

After a very long shower,of which I did not realized until the flesh on my fingers began to wrinkle, I got out the shower. I went into the closet to finds something to wear since I had not planned or thought of this happening.

I went down stairs to find Nick facing the coffee machine and his back to me.

"So tell me,how long does it actually take you to take a shower?" He asked with his back still facing me. I literally jumped. How could he hear me? I was sure I was super silent even my steps were calculated and silent.

Either way the plan was to make him believe I was in the room or at least anyway else other than the bath,for the whole time. But that was a total flop. My plan had went out the window.

"Ten minutes. " I answered taking a step closer to were he was but decided to go for the island instead.

"I thought we agreed on a certain time limit. Even so,you didn't have to take a whole hour at It." He said as he turned to face me.

He was neither smiling nor frowning,So that meant he was fine for as far as I could see. "If I remember correctly you are the only one that agreed on that not me. Either way how could I have known how that shower worked." I said in a steady unwavering voice and face. Deep down I knew I didn't know really know the guy. He could possibly  be a ticking time bomb but still it felt like I had known him all my life and that he would do no thing to hurt me.

I gave him an apologetic smile. If my gut was wrong I was not going to be the reason he snapped.


Sorry for the short chapter guys. I had a few things I had to do(tend to my nose that started to bleed) and also it was way past mid night.

And also there are so many updates in a day coz I choose to write the chapters before hand. I do it mostly to correct my mistakes of which I can't correct all becoz some I don't see and sorry for that as well:)
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