Chapter 6

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The following morning I woke up with a mild headache,which like most times I cured with a few capsules and a long bath. After the relaxing bath,I took a towel and wrapped it around  my body. It was short,very short but who minded. It reached just slightly above mid thigh. I took another one and wrapped it around my head. The hair was beginning to get me cold.

Like everyday,almost everyday when I felt lazy,I went into the kitchen to grab a fruit. And  to my suprice Anastasia  was home.

I thought she said she'll be back maybe in two days or so?

I greeted her with a smile  and immediately started talking.

Blah! blah! blah!

All the while I  had an Apple in my hand. I turned back but was meet with two men looking directly at me. One was a little bit taller than the other. The taller one looked like one of those men that people make up on those romance novels,actually both of them. With perfect facial features and everything but with no beard or mustache and I liked that. I hated facial hair. His hair  looked like the one of that professor from the  X-Men Apocalypse movie. Before he went bold. Professor Charles Xavier.

The taller one wore a black suite than clung to his body like a second skin,showing his muscles.

He works out!

I found it fairly satisfying and that made me involuntarily smile and scoff but slightly.

The shorter guy had the same amaizing features but compared to the taller one,he stood no chance.

Why am I comparing them?

His hair was cut short and combed back,with  few strands that fell on his face. He wore a charcoal suite and might I add they both looked extremely  expensive. The suites.

I was basically staring,something I was not  used to doing. The staring was directed at the taller guy.

Someone in the room cleared their throat and that broke me from my trance. His eyes were oceanic blue and I  just couldn't stop looking into then and ultimately getting lost in them.

I looked at the slightly shorter guy. He was the one that cleared the throat. And might I add I was short like 5'6 tall and they looked like they were 7ft something. The difference was huge.

The realization of my 'attire' hit me hard and the heat caused by the embarrassment crawled it's  way to my face and I  flushed.

The open space room suddenly felt small  and cramped. The temperatures felt like they had increase.

I looked at myself and then remembered going in the room and talking Ana's ears off. I wondered if they heard everything or had just arrived,either way it was outright  humiliating.  I just wanted the world to just swallow me whole,then and there.

I summoned my voice from the hole it had crawled into. I wanted to ask,how long have you been there?how much did you hear?but the questions  both sounded redicuous and not right.

The taller one was obviously amused by my reaction. He looked  at me from head to toe with a smug look on his face while the other just looked emotion less. He made me feel short,shorter than I actually  was but I had no time to worry about that. I had to hide and soon. The embarrassment  was killing me.

I opted for the  more conventional one. "Gentleman!" I started off with a greeting. "Please do excuse me." I did not even wait to see their reactions or hear what they had to say,I immediately ran off.

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