Chapter 10

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The mistakes in this book are endless  and I'm not even close to being half way through it but please just bear  with me guys.



I sat there and enjoyed my coffee,however I got that ' I'm being watched' feeling and instead of getting creeped out I got butterflies. A very serious case of the butterflies and then I got nervous .

I looked out the window in an attempt to get the butterflies and nervousness out of my system. The more I tried to distract myself was the more they flattered and the more I got nervous.

I inhaled  through my nose and exhaled through my mouth. It was known to help one calmdown and it helped.

I sat looking out a little bit longer and while halfway through my caffeine filled drink,someone decides to join me. My heart skipped a bit and I felt that someone was seated across me. I made no attempt to look up and see who it was. I had a felling that we had met once but didn't have the courage to look up.

I suddenly found the cup the I was holding very interesting. Oh,look!it is half finished and has weird patterns from were I was drinking from. He put something on the table. It was a plastic cup similar to mine but the contents of it weren't coffee.

"Hey?" He spoke. His voice was sweet and had a deep base to it. It was perfect. "Hi!" I replied in a small voice. You could have sworn by the way I was that I was shy and not only that I was confused. Why would a guy join me all of a sudden?. "Hello!" He said,unlike before it was not a 'hey'. "Hi!" I replied again but this time I raised my face and looked at him. I forgot how to breath and when I did manage to do it,my breath hinged. I was at a lose of words. It was the same guy that came at my place three days ago. "I-I..." I  tried to speak but the words could come out. I looked at the two cups that sat on the table. He had with him hot chocolate.

Why did he need it? He was already hot. My subconscious spoke.

I closed my eyes tight trying to block the image of him in that black suite he wore that day from popping in my head. But it was futile. He was there to stay.

It wasn't necessarily that cold. And then I remembered I was wearing a jacket. Ok it was that cold but he was still in a suite and like the last time,it was black. "Why is a lady as beautiful as you seating all alone on such a cold night?" He asked demanding eye contact. I cocked a brow.

Did he just compliment me? And I was not fishing for compliments. Not today.

I looked at him not sure of what to say and do. I looked at him not staring but looked. Really looked and he was still as handsome and sexy. I had to say that.. "Or are you waiting for someone?" He asked and cringed at the words. His eyes looked hurt as he asked. I gave him a blank stare and said nothing. I just didn't know what to say. "I do apologize for disturbing you. I'll leave." He said getting off the chair. I had the sudden impulse to stop him. "Wait!..." I called out and reached for his hand. It was warm and mine kind of felt cold. I got this weird sensation . It felt like electricity was running up my arm down to my...well it's embarrassing to say. "I mean stop!" I said pulling my hand away. It felt like I was doing a mistake by havin' removed  my hand from his but it worked. He stopped and turned to look at me. "I was not waiting for anyone." I said without my brain analyzing the words. Not that I had any plan on what to say next. He returned to his sit. I blushed as the realization of my words kicked in. To wash off the imbarrassme I asked him something. "And why is that?" I looked him dead in the eyes. He smirked and he looked wow,and that was an understatement of the year. It did not do him any justice.

I answered him with a question. I knew that I was not supposed to do that but why follow the rules when they did not apply anymore. I was seating on the same table with the hottest guy to ever walk on earth so who cared plus he broke them first. By looking the way that he did.

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