Chapter 25

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The dinner date was cancelled.

After that incident in the club restrooms,I thought I was okay. I felt fine but that didn't last long. Something in me was over the thing like it didn't happen. The same 'something',was not over it. Had not yet processed it and when it finally did I felt like a wreak. A powerless wreak. Everything went on shut down  and lucky for me it happened after work after I had taken a bath. I was pretty sure it had something to do with a bark,a deep scratch mark that ran on my thigh. From my mid thigh all the way close to my pussy but by friday it had healed. Leaving no trace of the horrifying night. I still couldn't believe that Sam would do that but her again he could have done worse. Like kidnapping and torturing me for all the shit that I did to him. It wad all his fault by the way.

I had not gone to work since that day up until Friday and even then Ana kept locked up and it was halloween for God sake. "Please. Pretty please." I said giving her the puppy dog eyes Nd still she turned me doing. I had gone through all that work for nothing just so I could look good for work but it turned out I wasn't. That the puppy dog eyes didn't work on her anymore. And that was not it. The funny part of all this was that at some point in that whole thing,she and Nick actually proposed that I visited a psychologist.  I was not that thrilled about the idea but I went either way. All I had to do was take things a day at a time to get better and I did that's why I wanted to go to work and earn my own money. It was freaking boring at home. At first I had no one to talk to or be stupid with but then called Nick. Either way the guy was still going to come. He literally came everyday  and left late at night. And that was because I pushed him too or his girlfriend would kill him. The girl was crazy,she kept calling every passing five minutes and that was way Nick kept his phone on silent mode for most of the time.

I sat on the couch,island and did anything that I thought could possibly cure my case of boredom. I even washed the dishes by imagine washing the dishes just to cure your boredom,it was crazy. I was seating in my room reading a book when the door bell rang. It was about quarter past nine at the time. I went to the door to find Nick dressed in  relaxed blue jeans,a long sleeve shirt that clung to him for dear life and a pair on sneakers. Vince who stook at the car smiled at me and I returned the smile.

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked him putting the book I was reading,which was about a girl that had fallen for a mob king or something like that,on the counter. "Want something?" I asked going to the coffee machine. "No,I'm good." He sat o  one of the bar stools.


I returned to sit next to him facing the TV that was currently turned off. "So..." I said nervously,rubbing my hand on the white jeans I was wearing. "What do you wanna do for today?" I asked reaching for the remote that was on the table,sat on a pile of books by me. "Am open for anything of your choosing. " He said looking at me and I at him. Our eyes locked and the only thing I could think about was how beautiful and enchanting they were. About how much I wanted to kiss him and make love to him. About how amazingly attractive and sexy he was. About how much I had fallen inlove with him but not because of his obviously watering body but because of his personality. The cold shoulder that he sometimes gave me and him on general. They was nothing to not love about the guy. I broke the contact.  It was making me want things and I had the sudden urge to touch him. I didn't want to make it awkward again like the day prior.

We had locked eyes just like all the times he was around or close. We stared into each others eyes for what felt like seconds and then I just had to lean in and kiss him. His lips were soft and the kiss was rough and full of unsaid words between us. I wanted more,more of the kiss and his lips but mostly of him. They felt good again mine. He bit my lower lip and I gasped allowing his entrance. His touch devoured my mouth and I didn't even put up a fight. It was good to have him in control like that. I was gasping for air and so was he after the kiss and the worst thing was i wanted to do it again and that it was unexpected. I was the one that had initiated the first move,initiated the whole kiss in the first place and I had never that.

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