Chapter 11

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"What are you looking at?" Dylan asked nonchalantly. He had broken me from my trance. Which I didn't know I was in until he spoke. He turned his head to the door and then he said something I had not expected.

"Oh! Now I get it. Your looking at that girl that just came in." He said stupidly for a beta. "Um!whats her name again?" He asked rhetorically as he put on his thinking face. He always looked funny when he did that,eyebrows scrunched up and lips in a thin line. Yah, it was a classic and he only did it around  me and the gamma. Who was also my cousin,Strider Darkwood

He snapped his fingers in front of me. "Now I get it. She's that girl that always comes here. Well I see her every time I'm here." He said nonchalantly . "Anyway why are you looking at her like that?" He asked with a blank stare at me. Deep down he wouldn't care less as to why. Soon enough he would,not at much as I but still.

He gave one look and said something that I was not expecting. "Wait! Don't tell me. She is your mate! She is the Luna!" Dylan said in a high pitched voice filled with excitement. He was not as dumb as he looked after all. To confirm his theory,which it was until I confirmed it I had to tell him through the mind link. Confirm his 'theory' I couldn't risk saying it out loud. It would make it real. Not that I didn't want her but it would put her in danger. Her life at risk. And I wouldn't do that to her.

"Yes. And I was beginning to doubt your intelligence there." I teased him. I looked in my mate's direction and smiled. She was one in a million. Reaching for my cup of hot chocolate my eyes went to Dylan who was beaming with happiness. "Anyway how is the work that I gave you coming along?" I went back into work mode,well Alpha King mode just as fast. "And your guys?" I asked him yet another question.

"Every time? But I make you work day in and day out."

"I have my ways.Like I said,I do see her here. Every time that I come here that is. She is either already here or about to walk through that door." He said pointing to the door and directing a soft smile in her direction. I growled at him. I didn't want anyman talking at her other than me much less smiling at her. Yeah I was possessive but it was for a good course.

"And the guys will come later today." He said going back to business mode.

I had asked him three days ago to look up on her background or find someone else that would. He found three of the best field researchers to do the work.

"Seeing as you just went back into work mode,how about you tell me what does the Luna coming here have to do with you? Or anything else for that matter." He said with a confused face. I looked at him with a blank  face but then it just softened at the mention of her.

"I wanted to see her as much as possible." I said with a faint smile on my lips. I rarely smiled so for me to smile this much  is just a matter of four days was big. "Looks like this will be my new favourite place." I said in a low voice. Dylan heard me. Ofcourse he would hear he was a lycan for fucks sake. I stood from my chair and told him to leave and that we would meet at the pack house. The original plan was to go to her and I did leaving Dylan with the same brunette that kept flirting non stop with him.

She was seated at one of the tables near the Windows and she was looking out to the night. As I approached her my heart raised and I  could have sworn it skipped a beat. I got nervous. For the first time in my live I was nervous and all because of a woman. One that was my mate.

Was it natural? I don't think so.

I sat there and thought of something to say for a few seconds. And again it was my first. I didn't know what to say and if I said "Hey." it would sound plain and simple. Then she would think that I'm average. If I said something  else I would sound too desperate and I was.  But what if she didn't fell the same for me?

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