20. Virgin Energy

Start from the beginning

I peeped out the door for the thirtieth time to visually check on Luke but my gaze drifted to Simon.

He was studying the blood on his hand so intensely that I was wondering if a math question was hidden in there..... until he licked it.

He fucking licked it.

The blood on his damn hand... was now traveling down his fucking esophagus via him licking it... I'm not even going to think of what that could mean right now. Even his damn aura was tinged with red.

The whole ordeal lasted for less that a second and he dropped his hand so neither Clary- who had her back to him- nor the sleeping man, could see and question him. He stepped up to her, grasped her shoulders and they began talking.

"If you want to go out there, don't let me stop you." Magnus whispered and made a move to take the load out of my hands. I pulled back and shook my head.

"You're literally the only thing letting me know up from down and keeping me from hyperventilating. I'm not leaving your side anytime soon... you're lucky I'm not plastered on your arm like a fucking tattoo." The last part came out on a whisper and a throaty chuckle left his lips.

"I'm guessing it wouldn't help if I told you that I wouldn't mind in the slightest." He gave me a little wink and picked up his work and headed to the others. I snorted and followed.

"The bark will stop the transformation for now, but Luke needs an antidote to stop the poison in his system." He laid the stuff on the table and gestured for me to do the same. "And I don't have all the ingredients here." I hissed out a curse and watched him walked around the place to gather more shit.

"Just tell me what you need and how to get it." Clary sighed desperately, rubbing her hands on her jeans.

Magnus halted and pointed. "No, you stay here. Luke will need you if he wakes up." He continued his trek onto the balcony.

"When he wakes up." Clary corrected.

"I'll go." Simon and I said at the same time. We glanced at each other and he was about to speak again when another "I'll go" came from the front door.

Jace walked around the corner and nodded at me before walking to Magnus. "You.." Magnus pointed at me with a deadly glint in his eye, "are not leaving until I can pat you down and say you're uninjured." He turned to Jace. "And you... what happened to you?"

"Luke's car may have found it's way into a pole while I was stashing it. I don't do mundane driving." He reached for a napkin on the table and I snickered.

"Oh Buttercup, why didn't you asked me to drive?" I watched him wiped his nose and smudge the blood around. I took the napkin and gingerly touched his nose as I wiped him clean.

He rolled his eyes at my statement and thanked me when I handed his bloodied paper back to him. "You were an emotional wreck, plus, you heard the man," he tilted his head to my bonded. "He wouldn't leave you out of his sight."

Simon huffed and put his arm around Clary's shoulder. Oh shit. No one missed the territorial pissing contest going on here... well.. except for Clary herself. Jace just rolled his eyes and looked to Magnus before heading to the door. "What do you need for the antidote?"

"Hey, I got this." Simon hissed.

"Phoenix eyes, moon salt and Idris fulgurite." Magnus cut them off as he got his shit together.

"One trip to the pharmacy, it'll take two seconds." Simon made a move to walk pass Jace but he grabbed his arm to stop him.

"I know a guy. And, uh.... I don't need him." He quipped arrogantly.

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