20. Virgin Energy

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Chapter Nineteen


"What happened?" Magnus questioned as the others ushered Luke in behind us.

"He was attacked!" Simon rushed.

"He needs a warlock." Clary added.

Magnus looked to our clasped hands and looked back up at me with hurt in his eyes and whispered so only I could hear. "If you ever dare get to this level of injured, I will... well, beg you to not die while crying my eyes out but I will also chain you to your bedpost so you can't leave." His little rant had a small smile tug at my lips. I pulled him down by the nape of his neck with my unoccupied hand and kissed him on the forehead.

"He needs you!" Clary shouted, breaking the little moment of vulnerability Magnus was showing to me and bringing us back to reality. They walked- more like dragged- Luke's body to the couch and lay him there, grunting and whimpering in pain.

"Where are you?" Luke moaned. "I can't find you. Where are... where are you? Where are you?" Clary tried desperately to shush him and to calm him down but his mania was unrelenting. "Jocelyn! Jocelyn..."

"No Luke, it's Clary. Can you hear me?" I stood over them as Clary grabbed his hand and frantically pressed it to her face.

"Clary, listen to me. Listen... you have to listened to me." He let out a particularly ragged breath and I inched forward and shot Magnus a worried look before looking back at Luke. "I have to tell you, just in case—"

"Don't you dare finished that sentence, Luke! Don't you dare..." I whispered firmly through clenched teeth and around the lump in my throat.

He gave me a look that I couldn't comprehend and stared at Clary pleadingly. "No, you need to know! Listen—"

"Was he bitten by an alpha?" Magnus asked as he lay a hand in the back of Luke's head.

"Yeah, why?" Magnus answered.

Magnus looked down at the hurting man expectantly. "Three... two... one..." On cue, Luke's back arched painfully and he let out an inhuman growl.

"Oh my God." Clary breathed out. I tried to keep my breathing calm but I was on the verge of hyperventilating. I tried damned hard to find something to do and the first thing was to burn scuff marks in Magnus' wooden floors.

Luke started yelling and rocked himself back and forth, trying to dislodge Clary and Simon's arms. Magnus looked up at me and speed walked away from the excitement. I took that as my cue to follow, and so I did.

"Where do you think you're going?" Simon hissed.

"Hold him down." Was Magnus' last words before we left the room. Magnus shoved some potions and what I assumed were ingredients into my arms and pushed me back to the living room. "We don't have a lot of time." He took an almost cardboard looking thing and pushed it in Luke's mouth to bite on. "It'll take a few minutes to take effect."

"What's happening to him?" Clary whipped around panicked.

"Random werewolf transformation. It's a side effect of the poison in the alpha bite." Soon after those words, Luke's hysterical state calmed down and just as told, a few minutes later had him lying down almost peacefully... well as peacefully as a surgical patient coming down off of anesthesia.

Magnus ushered me once more to the room adjacent and started pulling out and sorting bowls and other shit I knew nothing about. He swiftly and efficiently began taking the potion ingredients from my hands and adding them to the what seemed to be his miniature cauldron one by one. We were in a rushed yet comfortable silence and I was in no mood to break it, especially when my bonded was in his element.

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