7. Forgetten Memories

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Chapter Six


"Oh my gosh, babe shut up!" I slapped his arm as I reread the cast of Daydreaming.

He snorted, "I wasn't even saying anything. I was actually about to fall asleep ya know, but someone had different plans for me." He lifted his head from my lap to see what I was gawking at. "That movie's had a lot of hype recently." He hugged my waist and rested his cheek against my stomach. "But why do your eyes resemble saucers though?"

I shoved the phone in his face. "Mike, my fucking aunt is in this shit!" His eyebrows rose as he took my phone and scrolled through the movie details. "Do you think she'll give us tickets to the premiere?! I've been dying to see this." He handed it back to me and smiled goofily.

"Why don't we go ask your mom?" Best idea he's had since he woke up this morning. I waited patiently as he slowly got off me and sprinted down to the kitchen.

"Jesus Christ, Aiden! How the hell do you manage to sound like a whole herd of zebras when you're barely even as tall as one?" My sister asked. The little twat lived to upset me, made me wanna invent the time machine so I could tell mom to just swallow.

I ignored her and walked up to mom, who was chopping up potatoes. She looked at me and smiled. "What's up, my love?" She playfully shoved me with her shoulder.

I chuckled. "Remember that movie I was going bonkers for?" She nodded. "It's premiering this Saturday... and Aunt Bethany is Co-staring in it." Mom's face dropped slightly.

"Lemme guess. You wanna know if she'll give you tickets." I didn't even turn to look at the witch, but mom did. When she realized I wasn't going to answer Charlie, she rephrased it.

"You wanna be at the premiere?" I nodded my head. "I thought you and Mike have been saving up for tickets to see it." She looked at the doorway then back at me.

I sighed and felt a pair of arms wrap around my middle. "We have been, Mrs. Mason, but all the tickets sold out within a minute of them going up." I leaned back into his warmth and waited for mom to think something up.

"She'll give us tickets." That made my head snap towards her. She had a deranged smile going on for her. "But she won't give you." I furrowed my brows. This most be one of her 'kill my mood' tactics. As I began turning back to my a-hundred-times-more-wonderful mother, the headache continued to talk. "She only gives her movie tickets to blood relatives."

Both Mike and I tensed at that. Mom's face paled, got whiter than my hair. "Mom what is she talking about?" She put down the knife and covered her mouth. Was she about to cry? "Mother. Is there something I should kn-"

"Idiot can't even take a hint." I was getting reading to drop kick this bitch. "You're adopted. The whole shabang. Your birth parents didn't want you." Her tone was absolutely filled with mockery and fake sympathy. Mike held me tighter and I leaned even further into him.

"Jesus, Charlie! Enough of that!" My mother screamed in frustrated anger. She threw a dishrag at her before turning to me. "Sweetheart I'm so sor—"

"So it's true then. I'm adopted." I whispered in defeat. The room was closing in on me. Walls caved in and the ceiling lowering. The air refused to enter my lungs and my knees were just short of giving out. Sounds seemed so far away right now and the lights seemed to dim.

As quickly as sight and hearing left me, they came back, but it was still impossible to breath. Mike's hands were rubbing big circles into my back and my moms hands were on my face. Both of them kept telling me to breathe, but how was I supposed to if air kept rejecting me?

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