16. Raising Hell

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Chapter Fifteen


I was zoned into the pentagram and Clary hadn't started but I paid no attention to the group. I jerked out of my trance-like state, almost crushing the chalk when Clary let out an ear-destroying scream.

"What the fuck man?" I turned, ready to give them a piece of my mind but frown instead at the sight before me. Jace was burning a rune into her skin and based on her reaction, it was a damn painful one. The room was void of people apart from the three of us and I sighed when Clary only got louder.

"Why didn't anyone tell me that we needed a rune before we could start drawing this thing?" I shouted over Clary and caught Jace's attention. He glanced back down at his handiwork before answering.

"You don't need it to draw, you need it to protect you when you summon the demon." He slid the stele into his jacket pocket and caught Clary as she stumbled. His gaze settled on me and his lips twitched. "And considering the fact that you're not gonna help summon the demon, I don't see why you need it right now."

I nodded my head in understanding and Clary glared. "You're not going to help summon the demon?!"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm helping by drawing this pentagram but I won't be a part of the actual summoning." I took up the chalk that fell from my grasp earlier and began drawing again.

"What the hell, Aiden." Her heels clicked as she walked to me. "I could draw this whole thing by myself but I can not summon a demon by myself!" The chalk snapped and all I could see was red.

I stood slowly and looked at her then at Jace. He was pissed off too but decided to stay out of it. I looked back at the spoiled carrot in front of me and held out my hand for her to take. She obeyed aggressively, smacking her hand in mine. Ouch. I held onto her wrist and tried to breathe slowly through my flared nostrils.

"Fine then Clary. Draw it yourself then." With each word, my clutch on her wrist tightened and I didn't let up until she started squirming. "You saying that you're summoning the demon alone is beyond insulting to the three people that are literally risking their lives to help you." I dropped the broken chalked into her hand and stepped far away from her... for her safety.

She looked at the chalked confused. As if she was wondering why I gave them to her. "Why did you give it back?"

I rose a brow and took another step back. "You said you could draw it yourself... so draw it. I'm hungry and refuse to deal with any more of your bullshit on an empty stomach. You might just get hurt. Plus, my daily dosage of your bull-fuckery has passed its limit." I stepped out of the room and met eyes with Magnus.

"Ah, my favorite Shadowhunter. Why do you look like you're about to commit murder?" He pouted and Alec and Izzy turned to look at me. I could hear Jace coming out of the room too. "Oh, and why do you look like someone called you ugly?" Magnus dropped the pout and scowled at him.

"I'm hungry and I might just kill someone so pardon me. I going to get some pizza." Magnus linked his arm with mine and guided me to his kitchen. I glanced at him suspiciously.

"Why would you buy pizza when you can make pizza?" He spread out his arms to show off his magnificent kitchen and I snorted.

"I'll burn your lair down if I even tried to cook something apart from Mac n cheese." I crossed my arms and admired the marble counters.

"Well, it's good you're not cooking then." I caught the cunning smile that was plastered on his face and narrowed my eyes. He only chuckled and snapped his fingers. The blue mist was there and before I knew it, flour, water, tomato sauce, cheese and every other damned thing needed to make pizza were flying from their positions in the room and combined with one another.

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