18. Brunette Baker

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Chapter Seventeen


It's been three days since Magnus took me captive... and I won't lie. I love his company. After everyone left that first night, he made us some awesome as fuck chicken wings and we got to know each other... more like, he got to know me.

"Snowflake, why would you ever think to end your life?" His question felt like a bucket of ice landed on me. He was blunt, yes, but he didn't ask that just to taunt me. The crease in his brows and the slight pout of his lips told me he was really concerned.

I bit into a wing and swallowed while Magnus waited patiently. "Well... um.. for the longest while, I felt like mom's death was my fault." I looked at him with a humorless smile. "Of course I don't give two shits about my dead sister. She was my personal demon and she took her role seriously." He snickered at that.

"How would her death be your fault?" He leaned back in his chair. "Nothing can be truly one person's fault, so why take the burden of everyone who should be carrying their own weight in guilt?" A tear slipped down my cheek.

"My fault or not. My mother is still dead. The woman that raised me from I was little, is still dead, Magnus." I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of the jumper he lent me earlier. "The woman the birthed me didn't want me and she's probably out there living her best life... but the one that chose me... is dead."

"Everyone dies, Snowflake. Some sooner than others but we all die. Would your mother want you to still be mourning her after so many years?"He reached over the table to play with my fingers and the fings on them. 

I thought about it and involuntarily gave his hand a small squeeze. A lump formed in my throat as realization hit me and I snorted. "She wasn't that type of person. No. Mom would have wanted me to remember her, all the good and bad memories we had together and learn from them... instead of blaming myself, like I'm doing right now. Actually, I think she might just slap me upside the head if she found out this is what I was doing."

He looked up and gave me a soft smile that tugged at my heartstrings. My breath caught as he lifted my hand and placed it on his cheek. It was warm and as smooth as a baby. Magnus closed his eyes at the contact and I swore he purred. This moment felt beyond precious and I didn't even want to breathe to disturb it. "Mmmm, so if your dearest mother wouldn't want you treating yourself like that, don't you think it's a bit disrespectful to ignore the wishes of the dead?"

I sighed, stroking my thumb over his velvet skin, and watched as his eyes fluttered and lowered to just slits. "You're right, Magnus-"

"I usually am." A sleepy smiled crept up his face and I playfully glared at him.

"But, after so long it's gonna be hard to break out of this cycle." My lips quivered in trepidation. "I'm gonna have to take miniature baby steps."

Magnus hummed. "And I'll be right there with you, holding your hand until the finish line... and beyond that." He let out a small chuckle and rolled his eyes. "Because heaven knows this bond won't allow me to let go."

I gasped dramatically and pulled my hand from his face. He whimpered, walked around the table, and picked me up bridal style before carrying us to the couch. "I didn't mean to upset you" He pouted, "But speaking of our bond, I will search for sources tomorrow." I nodded my head and snuggled closer into his side. 

I could see myself loving Magnus. I know nothing of this man, but I already feel like he's the other half of me. My love for him wouldn't be a romantic one though, because I wasn't joking when I said I was gonna make Alec mine.

We stayed like that for the entire night, reading separate books and just basking in each other's company. The next two days, he did just as he said, contacted different warlocks and tried to get info on the bonded couple while I helped organize some of our intel and gather my own from Alec and Izzy about parabatai bonds. We were an amazing two-man team and I wasn't surprised, just another symptom of Bonded Syndrome.

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