2. Pandemonium

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Chapter One


"Thanks for being our roadie." Maureen said directly to Clary. Sure. I didn't just lug your keyboard while you sat down and flirted with Simon. Nope. No I didn't.

I kept my face blank as I sat on the van ledge. "Yeah and thank you for being our artist in residence." Simon walked up right beside me and took off his shirt. I whistled and slapped his stomach.

"Wow Simon, are you tryna make a girl blush?" I bit my lip and wiggled my eyebrows. "Which one?" He laughed at my implication and made kissy faces towards me.

At this, both Maureen and Clary snapped out of their staring trance and looked away. "Of course. So, you went onstage tonight as Champagne Enema."

Maureen laughed and Simon scuffed with a smile, "What were we thinking, right?" She questions in the most sickly sweet voice that has scratched my eardrumss.

"...But now, we're Rock Solid Panda!" He says happily.

"Yeah we are!" Maureen backs him up.

I just sit back as shirtless Simon stands proudly.

"Rock Solid Panda, coming up." Clary stretches for one of the spray cans Luke got her for her birthday. "We are feeling inspired." I just smile and nod-

Wait, "What do you mean we?" I narrow my eyes and cross my arms over my chest.

She rose her eyebrows at me and smirked, "Exactly what I just said. You and I are gonna spray paint Simon's van." We have a mini stare down that I was determined to win but this male had other plans.

He tickled me!

"Dammit Simon! I was gonna win and you know it! I always knew you would be on Clary's side!" I kick and flail while Clary walks off with that damn smirk on her face.

"Fine! You want me to paint? I'll paint!" He stopped and finally, I could breathe again. I can bet my whole paycheck that I look like I just ran a marathon.

Maureen glared at me before smiling at Simon "Paint." I hate this bitch.

"Paint!" I grab the whole cart and handed it to him. "Don't think you're getting out of this Aiden. You said you were gonna paint. Now take a can and paint!" I stuck out my tongue at him before hopping down from the van.

As soon as I walked around the vehicle, Clary shoved a paint can into my chest and I winced, "Shit. Clary, that's an equivalent to a damn tit-punch. You don't just casually do that stuff."

She huffed out an apology and started spraying. "What am I even supposed to paint?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "Anything that comes to mind. You're an artist"

I stared at the now blank canvas and sorted through all the ideas in my head then started spraying.

I was so caught up in my piece that I didn't realize that Clary finished hers until I heard her gasp. I just needed one more line before I could call this done.

I stepped back and almost had a stroke. That symbol again. Why every time I see something similar to that, I have such an emotional and physical reaction to it? I looked at the others, they didn't seem like they were in as much pain as me... Hell.. they didn't look like they were in any pain at all.

The symbol pulled me. Demanded for my attention, so much so, that I almost missed when Simon spoke.

"What's that tag?" I just stared at him then back at the tag. The energy coming off of it was in pulsing waves now. As if it would just tell me the answer to his question.

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