Episode 22: The Azura Call

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"Luz, where have you gone?!" Lilith yell-whispered, staring at the babies in the pen who isn't Luz. "Eda's going to kill me, she's going to kill me. I'm dead, so dead. I'm such a horrible aunt, oh my titan."

Lilith paced, hands on her head. Ravioli landed on her shoulder and blinked slowly. First his left eye, then his right.

"You're right, Ravioli. You are so right," The chill bird opened his beak and closed it again, once again slowly blinking. "I agree. She couldn't have gone too far, right? Let's search this library up and down, left and right, dark and light, dusty and-"

Raviloi blinked again, first his left eye then his right. Lilith nodded is response. "Okay, let's go. Split up."

Lilith took forward. Ravioli flew off her shoulder and kept in the air, keeping still as if he didn't know what to do. His eyes rolled in his head as if he had no control of them, and finally, he took off, flying into a wall in the process.




"Shh." Luz put a finger to her lip, back against a child-sized sofa. The boy was crouched beside her, eyes glancing for any sight of the adults.

"I don't see anybody..." The boy said, glancing around. Luz nodded and made way for the shelf, looking for her desired book. "What kinda book is it?" he asked curiously.

"Um..." Luz thought, trying to put her thoughts into words. "Azi... Arah..."

The boy perked his head, a bright smile making its way to his features. "Azura." He whispered, earning a happy nod from Luz. "I know where dey are!" The boy took Luz by the hand and gently dragged her forward, stopping abruptly when he spotted Lilith.

"Is dat your mom?" The boy asked quietly. Luz shook her head.

"Auntie." Luz spoke as clearly as she could, still hiding from the elder woman sniffing the air. The boy nodded and thought for a moment. Lilith was blocking the way to the book.

Suddenly, Luz quietly gasped, picking up a book. She tapped the boy and mimicked a throwing pose. The boy made a tiny 'o' with his mouth, understanding what Luz was trying to tell him. He took the book and, using all his strength, threw it across the large and open room. The heavy book hit the librarian in the head, knocking her over. The librarian laid flat and motionless on the ground, groaning with her face in the floor. One of the wheels of the cart full of books that she was pushing fell on top of her, covering her in a pile of books. Finally, the cart fell on top of her, crushing her underneath.

Lilith whipped her head in the direction of the librarian, a mortified expression on her face. "Oh my Titan, let me help you." Lilith said, rushing to her side to help. Luz giggled. She raised her arm but the boy didn't do anything. Luz frowned and grabbed his hand, forcing him to give her a high five. The boy titled his head. "Cool?" Luz asked, smiling widely. The boy stared at her for a few moments before smiling and nodding.

The duo trotted effortlessly towards the shelf that held the book Luz was looking for. The boy – who was an inch or two taller than Luz – reached for the book and pulled it down, falling backwards in the process. He smiled and presented the book to Luz.




"You did this to me, didn't you? You old rusty mop, I oughta call security!"

"I didn't, I swear!"

"I swear when I get up, you're toast!"

Lilith blinked a few times before slowly backing away from the woman, turning her back and whistling nonchalantly.

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