Episode 10: First Birthday Fiesta

En başından başla

I just... I feel obligated to stay with mi boyfriend.

➽───────────────❥MAY 1

This is so hard...

Mi mamá disproves of Luz. She sent me back to my grandma a day after I left! I had time to pack the essentials and then I was kicked out. She said I would be until I got rid of Luz.

And then, my grandma got cancer, and she couldn't fight it. She's gone! I remember her last words clear as day. "I love you and your child, and I always will," and then they took her off life support! ¡Ay Dios Mío! I can't with this.

Since Santiago is 18, it is either live with him, or be homeless with an infant. I had no other choice.

He has hurt us so many times, though. He's sick! She doesn't deserve this...

And I don't have any money. I have no other option.

➽───────────────❥MAY 10

I can't do this anymore!

I quit! I give up! Santiago has pulled the last straw! Mi bebé will not suffer at the hands of him anymore.

I am traveling over an hour away back to my mother's house. I am going to leave Luz in the bushes and await someone to find her. Then, I will tell my mom that she was gave up, and I will stay with her.

I hate to give up on Mi hija, but I am left with no other choice.

Te amo, Luz. I always have, and I always will, but you deserve better.




Lo siento ...



Eda blinked a few times. Was what she was reading true? Just to think, Luz was only a few meer weeks old when Eda found her. The poor girl...

Owlbert hooted and beat his wings against his small body.

Eda shakily used her free hand to reach into the bag once more, and pulled out a small, stuffed, hand-knitted cat.

It's collar was black with a gold outline, and on the tag, read, Luz. Under her name in cursive was, Light.

The white cat was wearing a blue and black cape. On it's left shoulder blade, read, Our little hero. Love you always, your mamá and great grandma.

Eda held it close. She didn't know how to feel.

"Owlbert, where did you get this?"

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