Episode 8: Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

Start from the beginning

Luz started to whine, pushing the book King had shoved in her face away.

"Well, whatever the case, this force field spell should protect the house from boiling rains and made‐up demons. Now stronger than ever!"

"Hoot! Well, it better be! I don't want another repeat of last time! So, hurry it up with that force field. That rain is getting closer to my precious stucco!" Hooty screeched.

"Yeah, yeah. I got it."

Eda closed her eyes, concentrating on her spell, as she made the barrier stronger than before.

"Someday, kid," Eda started, looking Luz's way. "I'd like you to be as cool as Eda the Owl Lady. Magical, sassy, surprisingly foxy for her age..."

Luz titled her head, as if asking a question nobody understood.

"And, you know why they call me the Owl Lady?"

"Cause she coughs up rat bones!" Hooty interrupted.

"I was gonna say, cause I'm so wise..."

"Nah! I think its cause she gets distracted by shiny objects!"

"No, I don't!"

King pulls out a pen, clicking it and making a small diamond attached to the end glow. Eda's eyes lit up at the sight.

"It sparkles and shimmers and shines and delights... I must have it for my nesttttt!"

Eda jumped at the pen, attempting to grab it. King hides the pen, and Eda crashes to the ground.

Luz lit up, clapping and laughing. "Nst! Nst!"

"The force field really took it out of me..." Eda groaned.

"Uh-oh, moving a little slow. Age finally catching up to ya?"

Eda scoffed, throwing King's hood over his eyes, making him scream. "Darkness!"

"You had it coming."

Eda picked Luz up, who had since crawled over to her. As Eda walked inside, King pouted.

"Aw, bring my min- I mean, my student, back here! We have to finish our demon lesson!"

"We got more important things to do."






"Peek-a-boo!" Eda yelled, uncovering her eyes to a laughing baby. Luz clapped her hands, nearly falling backwards on the couch. Eda repeated her previous action, getting a kick out of the infants giggles.

"Seriously? We're doing this? Why are we doing this when we could be learning all the fun ways a demon could kill you? Look how teethy! Bite, bite!"

"Because it's good bonding time." Eda said, matter-of-factly.

King scoffed. "Bonding shmonding."

Eda rested her head against the couch, panting in exhaustion. "I just need... one second... to rest."

Eda closed her eyes, and in a few mere seconds, was passed out.

"Yuh-oh! You killed her, kid!"

Luz started to whine, crawling onto Eda's lap.

"Hm..." King rubbed his chin. "Bap! Yep, she's out!" King shouted, bapping Eda in the face. "Bap! Just making sure!"

Luz started to whine even louder, patting Eda lightly. "Eda! Eda!"

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