"That's what I said to him" I exclaimed.

We both chuckle a bit. I don't know why I was nervous to tell her what he asked me, but I am, I have to get it over with though.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend." I finally spit out after building up enough courage.

Vic goes completely still, she didn't move, or blink, or say anything, I don't even know if she was breathing.

"He... what?" She said in a murmur.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend, and I said yes" She slams her glass down on the table and jumps up.

"Avery this is huge. You are the girlfriend of Harry motherfucking Styles. You are living every fourteen year old's dreams right now." She jumped on top of me squeezing me in a tight hug. 

"I know, I know. Don't you want to hear what else happened yesterday though."

She immediately goes back to her seat and goes silent again, nodding like crazy.

"So then, as you saw, we made out on the beach-"

"Is he a good kisser? I'm curious" I roll my eyes at her interrupting me again. 

"I'm not telling you that, now stop interrupting me." She nods again like she understood. I knew I was most likely going to get interrupted.

"After our make out on the beach, we had a little stroll through the streets. We were talking about anything and everything. One of my favourite conversations was Harry's favourites suits. He sure does love fashion. Anyways, we were walking hand in hand along the streets of Malibu when I told him I was hungry."

She makes an ooo sound like she was excited about what information I was about to give her. 

"He told me to sit down, then asked me what flavour ice-cream was my favourite. Then he walked off somewhere. He then came back with one cup of strawberry ice-cream, in one cup with one spoon." 

"Wait is this going where I think it's going?" I got interrupted yet again. I was right about the constant interrupting.

"Just wait" 

She sighs, getting impatient from me dragging the story out.

"I asked him why he didn't get himself anything and he told me he wanted to share it between the two of us. So that's what we did, we shared the ice-cream, feeding it to each other."

She lets out a loud aww while placing her hands on her cheeks.

"You two are so cute, I swear you're made for each other. Anyway continue with the story" I chuckle at her persistence for me to keep going. 

"For the rest of the day, we just walked around, got stopped a few times by fans, but nothing too bad. Night time is where it gets fun though so buckle up my friend, shits about to go down."

Victoria quickly clap her hands excitedly. We were acting like teenagers gossiping right now, but I didn't really care.

"We went for a night walk along the beach, we did a lot of walking yesterday my legs are dead by the way. Back to the point, we went for a night walk and sat down in the sand, staring out at the water. Harry started getting deep and saying things to me, about our future, and what everything means for us. I assured him that everything was going to be okay, and before I knew it we were running into the water together."

Vic lets out a gasp, genuinely not expecting that to happen. 

"We made out in the water for a bit. I really liked that bit. Do you know how much fun it is making out with someone while you're soaking wet?"

"That's what she said" She lets out immaturely.

"Vic-" I give her a small head shake.

She apologises and lets me continue with my retelling of last night.

"We went back to the car, getting ready to head home. Except it was different this time. I gave him this long sappy paragraph about how perfect he is, and how beautiful he think he is. I said all these amazing things about him and all I got in return was a thanks."

Victoria let out a loud gasp and her face started to look annoyed. "He didn't, that asshole."

I nod in annoyance as well. "We went the rest of the drive home not saying a word until he dropped me off at my apartment. We said our goodbyes, he said he'd call me, then I said how much the day meant to me, and he replied with a kiss and left." I blurt out in one quick breath.

Victoria is sitting there with her jaw dropped while she was shaking her head. "I need to have a word with that man, and tell him how much of an asshole he is for doing that."

"No Vic don't, really it's fine. He's probably just not used to this type of emotions and didn't know how to reply. He's calling me sometime today and I'm sure we'll talk about it."

"Just be careful Avery, to me that's a red flag."

I shake my head and disagree "No he's a great guy, he just needs to learn what to say and how to act in certain situations"

She shakes her head "Babe, this has happened to you before, don't say I didn't warn you, please just be careful this time around."

"I will I promise. I won't make the same mistakes as I did with Benjamin."

"Ugh gross, don't say his name. Can't believe you wrote a song about that idiot, you spent too much time on him sweetie. He stole all your energy from you, I'm so glad you were the bigger person and ended it."

"Thanks Vic, you know it wasn't easy to do. I don't like hurting people"

"Well you did the right thing, I'm proud of you Ave" She grabs my hand and gives it a soothing rub. 

"Let's change the subject. Are you hungry? We could get something to eat." I quickly change the subject. Benjamin was my last relationship, and it was a hard one for me. Yes I wasn't that heartbroken over it, he still hurt me though. He meant a lot to me, wrote songs about me and promised we would do all these things together.

Then I found out as soon as we ended things he went to another girl, a blonde girl I never knew the name of, and I never wanted to learn the name of. All I know is Vic saw a picture of them kissing on Instagram, a week after we broke up. So I wrote a song about him. I called it Driver's License, because he always promised that when I got my license, we would go on drives together, I would drive down to his house and we could hang out whenever we wanted. However, he broke my heart so I don't know if that song will ever see the lights of day again.

"Sure, anywhere in mind? I'm happy with whatever." I snap back into reality.

"Have you ever heard of the Beachwood café?" I ask with a smirk.


Guys it's a miracle I actually wrote a chapter. I'm really sorry I haven't updated in 28 years, I haven't felt very inspired lately.

However my brain randomly decided to get inspired at 11pm so that's fun. Anyways...

I've started a job, and I'm back at school, except right now it's online so not much is happening.

I hope you have a good weekend, and I love y'all 


Sweet but Sour [HS]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon