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"Well did you want to stay in or go out?" I ask. I was in the mood to go out, but if he wanted to stay in I was happy to.

"Both" He states finally.

I smile at his words. I was happy with his decision and I was just grateful he wanted to spend time with me. I felt like a teenager all over again. 

"I like that idea" I say as he turns around to look at me.

"Well then we better get going then" he leans down and gives me a quick peck on the lips and grabs my hand.

He interlocks our fingers and starts walking. Wow ok, I wasn't expecting to hold hands with him or for us to be in a casual kiss stage but here we are. I grab my packed purse sitting by the door on the way out and lock the door. All with one hand.

We walk hand in hand through the empty hallway of the apartment building. I see this hallway everyday but for some reason it's more magical when I'm with him. I stare up at him while we were waiting for the elevator. He looks down at me and we stare at each other straight in the eyes. His green eyes glaring into my blue ones. 

The elevator opens and we stop staring at each other and walk in. I started blushing again. Why do I blush so much around him? I've got to stop or it will become permanent. He presses the car park button and we stand there together wedged so close that I'm starting to feel claustrophobic. I like it though, I think I'm just really strange. There was so much room in this elevator but here we were standing hand in hand with our sides pressed together.

I don't even think we could call ourselves official yet, but look at us. 

The elevator opens and he drops my hand. The loss of warmth made me sad and I think he realised this because before we stepped out he turned to me.

"The paps know we're here, and even though I'd love to hold your hand as long as I want I don't want the world knowing about our little thing right now. Is that ok Lemon?" He whispers to me.

I just smile and nod. I guess this is the perks of fame, people always knowing your location and hunting you down to find out who you're hanging with. He was right though. When we stepped out there were immediate flashes in my face and I had to cover it. He pushes me in front and tries to block me from the cameras, but with so many of them it's hard.

How did they even know he was here? Did they stalk him or something? Paparazzi are disgusting.

We reach his car and he opens the door on the passengers side for me. I quickly slide in and start doing my seatbelt. While doing this, he rushes over to the drivers side and jumps in immediately starting the car. He does up his seatbelt and starts driving away.

"Sorry you had to go through that again. I don't know how the found me but I saw flashes on my drive here so they must've followed me" He says as soon as we're in the clear. 

"Harry it's ok, you can't help it. It's not like this is what you wanted. Lets just focus on the fun evening you have planned." I say in a calm manner. Of course I was bothered by the paparazzi but it's not like he can really help it, it's not his fault they invade his privacy.

He reaches over and grabs my hand and just rests it on the centre console.  It felt so good holding his hand. It felt even better just to be around him in general. 

"So where are we headed?" I ask him turning to him. He's focused on the road and I notice a small smile spread across his face.

"It's a surprise" is all he says. I huffed and rolled my eyes pretending to be annoyed.

He chuckled and rubbed my hand with his thumb. I noticed he had many rings on his fingers. One on nearly every finger. They all looked expensive and they probably all had a meaning behind them. He wears them a lot so they must mean something special to him. 

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