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Victoria was still at my place and she said she refused to leave until Harry had called. So right now we were just sitting on my couch talking about anything our young hearts desired.

"I read a really good book recently, I got so devoted in it and I couldn't put it down." Vic blurts out.

"What's it called? I might give it a read, especially if it's got the Victoria star of approval." I joke.

"My Policeman, by Bethan Roberts-" Her words shock me a little bit.

That's one of Harry's favourite books, I remember him telling me once.

She was rambling on about things happening in the book and how much she loves it, but all I can think about is him

"Ave you listening?" My thoughts get interrupted as I snap back into reality from her voice.

"Uh yea sorry, I've um... I've actually heard of that book before, Harry recommended it to me."

"That means that now you have to read it. If Harry, your boyfriend, and me, your greatest friend on the planet, recommended it, it means you have to read it. It's an absolute must. Who knows, it may inspire you to write a little bit. You've been telling me recently how you haven't found an inspiration to write." She rambles on.

"That's because I usually write songs about sadness, and heartbreak, and lately I haven't felt either of those emotions. Therefore, I have nothing to write about." I sip some water from my glass.

"Maybe you could write some sexy songs, like Taylor with dress, or False God" I smile at her Taylor Swift reference.

"Why would I write a sexy song, when those things don't happen commonly in my life?"

"Who knows, maybe now that you have a boyfriend for the first time in a million years, you'll be able to write songs like that."

I slap her on the shoulder at her statement, "shut up, even if we did, that would be highly personal."

"So you're saying you want to do that with him?"

"That I want to do what?"

She gives me an annoyed look saying that I know exactly what she's talking about, I just smirk and take another sip of my water.

In the midst of the small amount of silence my phone starts ringing, I look over and see Harry's contact lighting up the screen.

"ooh it's him." I say while I quickly pick up my phone and press answer.

Vic silently claps her hand in excitement as I put the call on speaker, holding a finger over my mouth to tell Vic to be quiet.

She silently nods in agreement as I go to speak "Heyyyy"

"Hi babe, told you I'd call you today, been missin' you like crazy since yesterday." I hear his voice speak through the phone. 

He's never called me babe before, it made butterflies fill my stomach. Vic silently awws as I nudge her in her side and roll my eyes.

"I've been waiting for your call all morning. I've missed seeing you" I reply back.

I hear him chuckle lightly before he takes a deep breath, "I just want to apologise for how I left things yesterday. You said all these nice things about me and all I said was thanks. Bit of a dick move if you ask me. I wanted to return the favours, but you know, I'm not much of the compliment type. I don't really know how to give them, or receive them, but it really did mean a lot to me what you said"


Those words cut harder like knives, and I don't even know why.

I look up at Vic and she had an absolute look of disgust on her face. I didn't know what to say back, but I knew I had to say something before she started screaming at the phone. 

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