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January 2020 (present day)

Shit I'm late. I was supposed to be in the studio five minutes ago. At least I'm almost there. I pull up to the big building and look for a parking spot. I quickly pull into a spot not caring how straight I parked. I grab my bag, my phone and my drink and lock the car in a hurry. I reach the front entrance and sprint up the small set of stairs leading to the door. I swipe my card to let me into the building and run to room 13. The room I was supposed to be in six minutes ago.

I burst open the door and look up and see the one and only Presley sitting on his chair eating a burrito. "Thought you'd be late" he mumbled with a mouth full of food. I gave him a sickened look; didn't his mother teach him not to talk with a mouth full. "I slept in, plus I did better today, I'm only six minutes late this time" I say with a smirk. He laughs quietly and takes one last bite of his burrito before finishing it.

"Six minutes is still too much wasted studio time Ave" He says while cleaning his face. I roll my eyes. "Well then we better get started before we waste too much more time, we have songs to write, so let's write them" I speak as I walk through the door. I sit down in my chair and open my up my laptop. Today I'm not sure what we're writing, I don't really have any ideas. Presley and I just sometimes come into the studio and just write for fun. I've never released a song. I think I want too though.

"Do you have any ideas Ave?" Presley speaks as he slides his chair next to me. "None, what about you?"

"I've got nothing as well. So what do we do?" He asks. "I say we could work on one of our older tracks, they might need some work" I answer. He nods his head in agreement and I pull up our folder of songs. It's a shared folder that both of us can add into, it has nearly every song we've ever written, either by ourselves or together. I pass him the laptop so he can choose what song we edit.

After a few hours, our session is nearly over. "I'm having a party this weekend, wanna come?" Presley spoke. "Maybe... who's going to be there, say last names, you know I don't know people." He laughs at my strange request but it's true. I've lived in LA my whole life and I only know a few people.

"Let's see... I think Victoria is coming, Mitch Rowland, Sarah Jones, Harry Styles-" I cut him off "Harry Styles?" He looks at me strangely "yea we're pretty good friends actually, why?" I was shocked by this. He talks about his other friends a lot, but never once has he mentioned Harry. "How come you've never mentioned him? You're always talking about all the great memories you have with others, but why not him?" I questioned. "It's because he's always busy, we may be close, but we don't have that many special memories together, so we mainly talk over text and every now and again we invite each other somewhere." He answered, it makes sense. I don't know how long they've been friends but over the past few years he has been extremely busy, I mean 2 albums, a world tour and in a few months another world tour. His second album Fine Line came out last month and I don't know how he did it but it's one of the most amazing pieces of music I've ever heard.

"Makes sense, yea I'll be there, I've been meaning to catch up with Vic anyway" He smiled at my answer. Victoria and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We've always gone to the same school which made it easier for us to be friends for so long. She's always been my number one. "Does Vic know harry is going to be there? She's a massive fan so I think she'd flip out" I state.

Back in middle school she was the biggest One Direction fan I think I've ever seen, and she is still a massive fan to this day. I think if she knew Harry was going to be there at the party she'd pass out. After all, she was mad at me when I went to that concert without her, so she made me promise that we'd go together for the next tour. "She doesn't know, but the only reason I invited her was to see her reaction when she sees Harry there, I think it'd be funny to watch a 23 year old freak out over a 25 almost 26 year old" he answered. I laughed at his answer. I'm imagining Vic's reaction and I'm just laughing over it in my head. She'd have a heart attack in his presence.

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